Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My girlfriend doesn't want to do things that make her look good?

I'm having trouble getting my girlfriend to do regular maintenance of her body to look good

She waits till she has a full out mustache before getting rid of it

She only looks good with her hair down and doesn't like to wash /comb her hair so that gets done rarely

she doesn't shave her legs or arms which are hairy

She doesn't pop or get rid of black heads on her nose because she says it hurts to do it

She doesn't go to the gym which is causing her to have poor posture and a growing stomach that could seem like shes pregnant to some

I love this girl a lot but these things are something she needs to want to do to change and I dont know about how to make someone want to do something they dont want to do.My girlfriend doesn't want to do things that make her look good?
you will not succeed in changing her. if you don't like her, then leave her.
Dave i share your problem....well not the same issues but. You can't make someone do something they don't want to do. You either need to learn to deal with it, or leave. neither one of you will be happy if you are always complaining about her.

i want my girlfriend to eat better, exercise some ( lose weight ) and learn to turn off lightsMy girlfriend doesn't want to do things that make her look good?
she WILL get defensive and probably a little offended.I know jokes aren't the way to go, but honestly, I would be like woah! I almost cut myself on your legs or something. Make sure to smile and laugh to show that you still like her, but pointing it out will make her more aware of the issue

i regret to inform you that this is what happens when you find a bigfoot and shave her down and teach her to speak.

she will always return to her natural instincts and ways.

goonee goo goo uncle gus!

(no thats not some new spanish ****)My girlfriend doesn't want to do things that make her look good?
You could try to appeal to her concern about health and looks. She should wash her hair more often, at least.

But you can't change her ways until she sees she needs it herself.
if you really love her she will definitely do right for you.
I was happy when Ive read this, made me smile. its not about how you described your girlfriend. iTs becaue YOU LOVE YOUR GIRL SO MUCH! and im proud of that! seriously, If im your girl. I'd love to change as soon as i read this!

give her a treat if she's able to do all these!

TREAT- SWEETNESS THING* ermmm a reward perhaps. Ill assure you, SHE'LL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER! X
She sounds f*cking gross.
Take her to the salon and take her shopping for a new skimming outfit, when you look good you feel.good, encourage her by actions not harsh words. If you truly love her than you can do this for her. People in love are not suppose to change eachother only make eachother better. Be kind, there is obviously somethin bothering her and hurting inside for her to be that way.
Woah... id explain to her that she needs to start looking after herself before you find someone else!
You can't change people, they will need to want to change for themselves
lmfaoooooooo ew
Sounds like she needs a new boyfriend.

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