Sunday, January 29, 2012

What is the first thing to do when someone has a stroke?

Call the emergency number of the country you live in.What is the first thing to do when someone has a stroke?
Stroke is a medical emergency that needs to be treated right away. Call your local emergency number (such as 911) if someone has symptoms of a stroke.

While waiting for the ambulance, the following first aid suggestions may be helpful:

* The affected person should lie flat to promote an optimal blood flow to the brain.

* If drowsiness, unresponsiveness, or nausea are present, the person should be placed in the rescue position on their side to prevent choking should vomiting occur.

* Although aspirin plays a major role in stroke prevention (see below), once the symptoms of a stroke begin, it is generally recommended that additional aspirin not be taken until the patient receives medical attention. If stroke is of the bleeding type, aspirin could theoretically make matters worse. Moreover, patients with stroke may have swallowing difficulties and may choke on the pill.

Three commands, known as the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS), may help to determine if the potential for stroke exists. Ask the patient to do the following:

# Smile: the face should move symmetrically

# Raise both arms: looking for weakness on one side of the body

# Speak a simple sentence

If a potential stroke victim cannot perform these tasks, 911 should be called to activated the emergency medical system.What is the first thing to do when someone has a stroke?
Help them lay down, check thier breathing, put something soft under thier head, put them in the recovery position, tell someone to go get help, or go for help yourself.What is the first thing to do when someone has a stroke?
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