Sunday, February 26, 2012

Do you believe that everybody should be interested in horses?

I've seen some people say things like, 'Help I want to get my best friend into horses, she needs to know how magical they are!' That's exaggerating a bit but i was wondering if you have ever tried to force someone into horses.

Personally I believe that if someone doesn't like horses then I'm not going to preach how great they are.|||To each his own.

I've met people who haven't really been interested in them, but found they didn't mind them when they came to the barn with me (on their own accord). I've had friend that absolutely hated horses. I've had friends who have sold me their horses.

I'm all about encouraging people who are interested in horses. My friend has a young daughter who has decided that ponies are cooler than princesses; I'm all over it. She's getting a Breyer for her birthday. But, if people don't like horses, that's their thing; they probably enjoy something I don't. Fine by me.|||Oh god, no. Personally, i cant see how so many people are utterly fascinated by horses. There's such a weird connection between some people and horses. It seems like once they start loving horses, they will ALWAYS love them. In my opinion, there are much more wonderful things in the world than horses. For example, electronics. Whether it's video games or dubstep music, they're both infinitely better than horses. It's to the point where i almost NEED electronics to not be bored my whole life. Of course not all would agree with what i said, but that's why it's called opinion.|||Nah, I have horsey friends who are also my teammates on the equestrian team and then the majority of my family is involved with horses, so I don't have the need to try push people into horses.

The majority of my friends are polite when it comes to my involvement with horses, they are utterly clueless when it comes to them. I have one friend who calls my 18hh hanoverian a pony all the time and calls my pony a horse. So, I won't bring up horses unless someone asks and when they do I keep it brief.|||Not at all. Its like religion or any other choice really you can tell them about it but you can't force them into it. Plus everyone is different I have a friend who is obsessed with video games but I don't like video games, he doesn't feel the need to try and force me to love video games. Its just one of those things you either like it or you don't.|||No, I don't believe so. Everyone has their own interests. For example, I'm not interested in Football, and there's nothing wrong with that.

No, I don't force people into horses. I tell them that they should try riding, because it's really fun, but I would never try and force someone into horses.|||I personally think to each his own.

My closest friend just doesn't like horses. Actually, only one of my friends is a "horse person". My closest friend, he just doesn't get along with them. I think he may have had a bad experience with a stubborn horse as a kid. However, I don't push him to like them. He accepts I have horses and love them, as I accept things he does that I don't totally like.|||I wouldn't say "everybody", but I have been able to get my boyfriend into it. Its not like he really had a choice since I am out at the barn almost everyday lol. Lets just say I got him hooked. It truly is amazing how I was able to introduce something like this to him considering he grew up a city boy. I wouldn't try to get some of my friends into it. One of my friends shrieks at the sight of my little dog.|||No, of course not! I support my friends in their hobbies as they watch mine. To each his own. When you force something on someone it takes the enjoyment out of the equation.

There was a girl on here earlier who did not wnt anything to do with horses but her mom was forcing her. All she will learn is to resent horses more.|||I would love it if my best friend was into horses, but she's not and I'm not going to try to force it on her. She does roller derby and personally I despise rollerskating, but I'm glad she has a hobby that she likes and she doesn't try to force me into that either.|||I've pushed one of friends to just try it and he did and now i relented. but I've only done that once. I mean I've just talked about it enough where my friends became interested and came to check it out. I offer it out there like hey you should come meet my horse or come to a show sometime i need a photographer! but yeah. if they want to go awesome if not okay thats cool too|||It'd certainly make my life easier- but add a hell of a lot more competition to be at the top.

Naah. That'd be like saying "everybody should like tennis or lizards". I'm not fond of tennis, but lizards are pretty cool. Hah.

I have tried to convince some of my friends that it isn't something stupid, pointless, ect, ect- you all know the speel. I gave up a few years ago, lost cause. Meh.|||Well I would never discourage someone from sparking an interest in horses. Except for... ya know, people who would be abusive to them, but... I mean I'm also not gonna try to force anyone to be interested in horses either. People like different things, each to their own.|||I have one friend that is a horse person as well.

Honestly, I don't like being around most people who like horses; in my experience, many of them view it as a competition and it can get quite catty.

I love my mare, my boyfriend doesn't trust her. That's perfectly fine with me.|||Oh course not! :)

People can have interests and hobbies of they're own, if you really want a person who you love and care for with you while your riding you should make friends with people that already have that passion!|||No way! People shouldnt have to be forced to like something. And plus, what seems magical to us may be boring for others.|||Only the best people.

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