Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two girls that don't even know me hate and bully me. What should I do?

I'm a freshman and they're sophmores. We have the same geometry class because I got high school credit in middle school. I don't reall have friends in high school, but I'm very social. We used to talk and giggle but now they're just really rude. Mainly one girl, Emily. She calls me a hoe and. She tells this girl who is the only person that sits by me in class that she shouldn't sit by me cause I'm a b*tch to her, and I treat her wrong. She calls me a spoiled rich brat. She knows nothing about me. She just always sits there and STARES at me, and talks about me. She says stuff like "oh look there she goes with another new Chanel bag!" "Oh did you get your new little MAC makeup?!" Like I'm fortunate enough and I work hard in school and activities to earn things like this from my mom. I shouldn't be bullied for this! Yesterday she was like "yesterday you were absent and the room was peaceful, we wanna keep it that way. Like ughhh!! It gets to me so much! I don't do anything to anyone, I don't even have friends! Please help I'm being bullied!! What should I do?|||Maybe these girls are going through financial issues, so they feel bitter seeing you with designer stuff. Or maybe their parents simply don't get them designer stuff. I do see how they feel resentful; after all, I did very well in school, yet I had to get a job if I wanted designer stuff( and my parents didn't have finical problems).

However, they shouldn't be bullying you over this, so they are still in the wrong. I would just go to them and ask them straight forward why they bully you. If there is no clear response, you need to report the girls to an authority( don't be afraid to, that's the only way you're gonna be able to solve this) Don't let them know that you did of course.

And don't insult them back, that will only further aggravate the situation. After all, bullies are sometimes people who have dealt with bullying or had a bad life, so they may be even more hostile if you throw insults, and it could even become dangerous to do so. However, don't let them see that you're weak either, or they'll see that their bullying is working. Be assertive, not aggressive or passive, when dealing with bullies. If you have the guts to do so, maybe even try a compliment, but don't sound sarcastic. Sound like you mean it, and maybe the girls will develop a softer spot for you.

And trust me, I'm not just saying this. I'm a sensitive person, who has been bullied so many times, bullying practically ruined my childhood. But I try to see the bright side. Remember, if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger, and I can say that I'm a stronger person because of all the **** I've been through. The same will happen to you if you just hang in there...

I would talk to the teacher, and you could switch classes too if it becomes an issue. Bullying can suck when it feels like you're helpless, but on the bright side, you know you won't have to deal with these girls in the future. Bullies should never inhibit your learning, or make you feel crummy, so if they are, don't be afraid to tell on them. Just be confident, and think that no matter what these girls say ,they can't make your life worse unless you allow them to do so. If you're a smart girl, you'll go further in life than they will.|||She seems really jealous which means she's envious of the things you have and probably insecure about the things she doesn't have. Just ignore her and her comments. If she really gets to you you can remind her that you are no longer in junior high and that you would prefer she act her age. If her bullying gets really intense then you should definitely let your parents and a school official know about the situation.|||Either ignore it. Tell a teacher. Solve it by telling her off. Or beat her a$$|||HIT THEM THATS WHAT I WOULD DO !|||tell her "go f*ck yourself, because with that face, i'm pretty sure no guy will" :) and just smile|||I wouldn't usually give someone this answer in these situations cause usually it just spells trouble. But I think you should firstly, the next time she does it, say to her something like "why are you being like this? You don't know me, so why judge me? I haven't judged you. Give me a break" maybe then she might realise she's out of line. If she continues involve the teachers and your parents. She's bullying you and that's wrong. Bitching back to her wont help you, but asking her why she's doing it might give her the oppertunity to explain, maybe you did something without realising? I doubt it but it's possible.

Just tell the teacher and make sure they sort it out. Nobody deserves to be bullied.

Good luck. Hope this helped you.|||I hate bullying so much! Yes it happened to me and even my own friend started doing it.

I urge you to stay strong: mostly the reasons why bullies bully I believe is that they want to see their victim become weak (so in class she must want to embarrass you right?) well stay strong and don't let her do that. You know deep down that you are a good person. Keep telling yourself that 'No one will bring me down', and keep giving her strong stares when ever she tries to embarrass you or upset you again.

If it gets out of hand then maybe tell a teacher or something.

But remember that school is mostly sh*t and is one of the toughest times in everyone's life. Once you leave you are opened to a whole world and can go where ever you want and enjoy yourself and not let these bullies follow you.

Just remember too: these 2 girls are mostly going to fail in their lives when they get older as there behavior will destroy them and that's their own fault! But you will become the winner as you are the 'good person' deep down inside.

Look forward to your future and do not let anyone drag you down as they are the ones failing and not you!

All the best :)|||Girl , there's a law now the prohibits bullying. Talk to you teacher, if he doesn't do anything about it, talk to the principal. One thing you should know is that their jealous :) enjoy that . They are just being immature skanks. Change geometry class if you can. Another advice, you can simply ignore them girl. Or tell them that you enjoy their compliments %26amp; immature remarks which makes people relize how full of sh*t they are.. be strong %26amp; have confident. I've never had friends in hs, especially in a private high school. All of the girls %26amp; guys were conceited fake creatures. Well 5% were nice %26amp; real people..%26amp; those were the ones i enjoy studying with %26amp; so forth. My advice to you is if you're sociable, meet a group of new people. %26amp; the can help you back up %26amp; help you increase your self-esteem. But stand up for yurself girl. You can stop this. Talk to a parent or school teacher o principal. They can end this. Good luck:)|||Start complimenting her on things she wouldn't expect. I know it sounds funny, but it works. I was bullied because I was quiet, tall and skinny, my last name, I wore glasses, etc. They find things to make fun of or pick on you when they themselves are having a bad home life and are jealous. They feel you are "weaker" than they are, so that is what they do. When you start being complimentary to them when they are being that way, it takes them back a bit and they back down. It doesn't happen overnight, but you will see a change in them.

You look nice in your outfit today. Good job today on your speech, and then walk away whenever you compliment her.

You should also report the bullying because schools have a no bullying policy. When I told on the girl who use to shove me and say things like you pee the bed don't you or you sleep with your brother don't you, she stopped for 2 weeks and then sucker punched me in the ear when she got on the bus. She had a miserable life at home. I was scared of her and never said a word to her. I see now that I should have complimented her, but it is hard to do when you are scared of them.

Pray for God to show you why he loves her when she is not being lovable. He will show you. I am praying for your friendship to get better with her.|||I would tell you to just ignore it and give a "So? Can't help it that I'm just really too awesome" cool kinda look, but that girl has a huge case of jealousy. So if she makes another oh-you're-so-rich comment just reply " I wish :)! I had to work hard for this." Don't make long comments or she'll just interrupt you with something 'smart' alack, which is embarrassing to be interrupted.

Also, try to make some friends in that class :) Someone rude can't make people not want to be friends with someone nice and modest. Sit away from the rude girl. You can read a book and if Rudeness walks up and says something snarky, just give her a glance, shrug, and go back to reading. Or anything to occupy your time if you don't like to read or aren't comfortable making friends yet. Some things could start from you just giving someone a piece of paper or borrowing a pencil. If you're as social as you say you are, then just go out their to other people than that class!!

I went through the same thing you did, but instead of earning nice stuff, I was quiet and people took that as me being too snobby to talk to anyone. It got better after I tried making some small talk, lending things, or just smiling nicely if you happen to make eye contact.

It's a gradual process, but it works.

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