Thursday, February 23, 2012

Labor question: Do you ever feel the urge to push before you are fully dilated?

I've had two children and neither time did I get to the point where I felt the urge to push. The doctor told me I was fully dilated and said that I could start pushing, at which point I thought about holding off (because I know it's better to wait till you have the urge), but I was in the transition period (totally over it) andI just wanted to get it over with so I pushed. It only took me three pushes with my first (I think only two with my second), so it was okay, but I did tear.

I have a midwife this time and she says she doesn't check frequently to see if you're dilated. I'm hoping this will be a good thing and maybe I'll get to that point of naturally feeling the urge to push.

If she doesn't tell me if I'm dilated or not, and if I feel the urge to push, could it be too early? Or, does the urge to push generally indicate that you are definitely fully dilated?Labor question: Do you ever feel the urge to push before you are fully dilated?
I felt like I had to push before I was completely effaced, and the nurse kept telling me not to.. I secretly was still pushing :p. The urge is overwhelming.Labor question: Do you ever feel the urge to push before you are fully dilated?
I had the urge to push before 10cm, I had a little "lip" left. No big deal.
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