Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm not sure what to say to my friend.?

She's upset with me for talking to one of her friends- but I honestly didn't mean to and I communicated that clearly, also making it clear I wasn't planning on talking to them again. She said that it felt like a slap in the face, and then stated some of her grievances with our friendship, accusing me of things like lying and hiding and generally making some unfounded, misconcluded claims. I excused myself from the conversation under the guise I needed to go lay down, and I'd talk to her later, but I haven't talked to her since. (It's been about 4 days.) I really don't need this on top of everything else I'm dealing with, currently. I know the obvious answer is she's not really a friend, and I should just stop talking to her and move on, but I really do care about her and I'm not completely sure if I want to end our friendship.

What I'm asking is, what do you say to someone you care about when they're acting childishly? How do you kindly communicate your side of things without sounding hostile or defensive? At first, I was angry she was accusing me of things and was mad at me for something I thought was so petty. But now I'm just at a complete loss.

I don't want to lose my friend, I was hoping we would be friends for a long time. But I'm not sure how to react or what to do. Maybe someone else will have some insight, and that's why I came here. Maybe someone will see it and have something honest and helpful to say. Thank you for your time!I'm not sure what to say to my friend.?
sounds like your friend has some insecurities. ask her if you can calmly talk without accusing or yelling. Just explain both sides of the story and ask her how you two can resolve it. Remind her you dont want to lose her but that friendship needs to have compromise sometimesI'm not sure what to say to my friend.?
She's acting like that only because she is insecure. I can relate to this in my own way. She made a big deal out of something seemingly trivial just to get your attention. It might be a bit puzzling, but it's most likely because she cares about you a lot and doesn't want to lose your friendship. Since you don't want to lose her, just meet up with her and explain your actions to her and remind her how important she is to you. Just be there for her and be patient and understanding. :)

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