Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why do Americans always discredit Nazism?

Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP(Nazi Party) won the election of 1932 with 37.7% of the vote.

Hitler built roads, schools, dams, bridges, railroads, parks and other public works.

He built the Autobahn network which was one of the worlds first highway systems.

Hitler took unemployment from 6 million in 1932 down to less than 1 million in 1936.

Hitler reorganized and rearmed the German military.

He built one of the greatest war machines ever in just 6 years(1933-39).

Nazi Germany conquered Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia and Greece in less than 2 years.

The Nazi Empire extended from the deserts of North Africa to the steppe of Russia.

In 1941 Nazi Germany destroyed the Soviet Union.

800,000 Soviet troops were killed and 3.3 million were captured.

25,000 Soviet tanks and 20,000 aircraft were destroyed.

This all happened in just 6 months(June-December 1941).

If America worked with Nazi Germany the USSR could have been finished off in 1942.

Hitler tried to make an alliance with Britain and America several times but he was ignored.

The Nazis were great people who did great things.

They tried to protect the legitimate governments of Europe from the Slavic scum but they were stabbed in the back.Why do Americans always discredit Nazism?
Aside from the fact that the Nazi state was based on enslaving "untermensch", the attempted extermination of two ethno-religious groups, the systematic murder of the handicapped, the slaughter of innocents across Europe,the destruction of civil liberties, the wholesale art thefts the destruction of German sophistication and culture and the destruction that they visited everywhere they went not including the foul policies of Hitler - yeah, they were great.

Did you not notice WHICH flag flew over the Reichstag in May 1945, was it the Nazi flag? no. Was it the American flag? No. Was it the British flag? No.

It was the Soviet flag - the USSR destroyed Nazi Germany.

Now, kindly, learn some history and go eff yourself
Most of the world probably wouldn't have a big problem with Nazi Germany if there hadn't been, you know, the racial policy and the genocide of the Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people !

If Hitler hadn't been such a genocidal maniac he would probably be remembered a little like Napoleon, though that would still be an insult to Napoleon.Why do Americans always discredit Nazism?
Lol any country can eliminate unemployment. Just draft everyone into the military and boom, unemployment is gone.

Building a war machine is also pretty easy, if you focus your country entirley on building up a military, it can easily be done.
Choosing between the nazis and the commies was like having to choose between plague and cholera. Yes, the Norwegians, Danish and Poles were not fond of the Bolsheviks, but they strongly detested having their land stolen from them by the nazis too.Why do Americans always discredit Nazism?
He also gassed 6 million jews and ordered unspeakable medical experiments on innocent children. That kind of destruction of humanity doesnt justify a damn thing else he did.
We can show you how the ovens work. take a ride on the wild side. I promise it won't hurt.


They were responsible for the murder of at least 10,000,000 innocent women and children with no regret so I'm guessing you must be either kidding or out of your mind, which is it?
You left out the whole genocide/mass killings thing. But no biggie.
Don't forget these:

鈥?Outlawed tobacco use.

鈥?Got Germany out of financial woes.

鈥?Outlawed vivisection (The dissection of, or otherwise experimenting on, a living animal, esp for the purpose of ascertaining or demonstrating some fact in physiology or pathology.)

鈥?Commissioned Ferdinand Porsche to come up with an economical, low maintenance auto for the common German. That car was the "Volkswagon" ("People's Car") - the VW Beetle.

鈥?Established the Autobahn interstate highway system (which is STILL the best in the world) and all other countries copied his inveltion.

鈥?He actually fought in WWI and was awarded the Iron Cross First Class for his actions.

鈥?Created a fleet of cruise ships for the exclusive use of blue-collar workers.

鈥?Created a 'cable network' for radios. (this was really the first Internet!)

鈥?Under his direction, they were the predecessors of modern aircraft.

鈥?By testing students to see what their strong subjects were such as math, science, or writing, he would be able to direct these students towards success in their given fields. Also not having them waste their time on subjects of no interest to their future.

鈥?Prior to the war's outbreak, he had orchestrated a thriving forestry program of 869,300 employed by the forestry service under the third Reich.

鈥?Brought honour back for Germany. (The Versailles treaty and other restrictions on armament and economical aspects brought Germany back to the Dark Ages)

鈥?Exposed the Jews [monopoly tenancies] and gave them a run for their money. Jews were hoarding the money, and they were forming many monopolies, and only doing business only with other Jews.

鈥?Gave Europa a huge cultural boost by supporting art and true European values, instead of the upcoming jewish/capitalistic culture.

鈥?Research into the health effects of radiation, asbestos, heavy metals, alcohol and tobacco

鈥?Mandated the production of organic foods and encouraged vegetarianism and natural healing

鈥?Pursued alternative energy instead of oil or nuclear energy, regarded by the Nazis as "Jewish physics". Hitler only began nuclear research "grudgingly" in response to American efforts.
Apparently they are completely unaware of the connections between Nazism and Zionism. Connections both financial and ethnic. Americans are nazis under a different name
All Democrats quite literally demand it.
They sound too much like Libertarians.
Because that is what the Kenyan is.

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