Thursday, February 23, 2012

I had affair and now I'm pregnant, husband wants to take me!?

I dated my husband for 6 years, and we have been married for 2 years. We separated about 4 months ago and during that time i dated another man and got pregnant. My husband had been trying to get us bck together, see our problem was fixable i just made a lot of mistakes. I regret so many things i did. Anyway, a week before i found out that i am pregnant i was going to get back with my husband to try to fix things :/ now i feel that it's unfair for him.

The father if the baby wants to be in my life 100% and he is willing to go to any extents to make me happy. But my husband whom i've been with for 8 years is the only thing on my mind. I miss him, i regret being a ***** to him, i am honestly sorry for all the damage i caused..

What should i do? if i stay with the father of the baby then i'll be happy..ok. the baby will get to grow up with his dad who is a good man etc.. but i will always be sad inside.

If I go back with my husband he will love me of course and will accept the baby but it will be a permanent scar in our lives, he will never be the real dad, i will be happy but will my baby be happy?

HELP :(I had affair and now I'm pregnant, husband wants to take me!?
If you love him like you say. You SHOULD tell him.. and let him decide
GO BACK TO YOUR HUSBAND! The baby will know your husband as his/her father, and they will be happy. I am sure he will be a good father, and you have to be fair to yourself. If you want your husband and he is willing to work it out and be a father to the baby, by all means, what are you waiting for?!

Good luck! :)I had affair and now I'm pregnant, husband wants to take me!?
This is one of the instances where an abortion would be in order...
IF your husband really does know about the baby and that he is not the father, yet he still wants to be with you then he is a fool. But he is your fool. So go to him if you like.I had affair and now I'm pregnant, husband wants to take me!?
Just tell your husband the truth and see what he says and just let the father of the baby be part of the baby's live and just see what happens! i hope stuff works out cause this looks tough!
I agree, adoption or abortion in this case. Why put everyone else through the misery you've created?
When is this going to air on Maury?
Your husband has known you longer than your ex-boyfriend,and has loved you longer. Your husband,even after you dated another man/got pregnant,still wants to be with you! You are so lucky to have a man who loves you so much,so go back to your husband!
If your husband is willing to take you back after what you did to him, then you should give your marriage a chance and count your lucky stars that you have a decent, honorable will have to make this up to him for the rest of your life. Please don't think of a baby as a "permanent scar in our lives" ...if that is the way you feel then please let the father of the baby raise it so that it grows up in a loving home with someone who wants it.
If he knows about the chance the child is not his yet still wants to be with you then there isn't a problem as long as you want the same.

You will likely want to get some counselling after the child is born and you find out the father just so you both know what to expect. You'll need to make decision as to whether or not he wants to take the child as his own or whether you want to involve the other man and let your child know it is their father.

I have seen couples make it through this if the other spouse is willing to accept the child. You were separated to it makes sense to have had sex with someone else and that child just happened to be the result. Your child will be happy, it just isn't the most perfect situation for the child to be raised in but as long as they are loved and cherished by all they will be happy no matter what.
you know what sorry to say but i have to agree with the minority that this could be one of the rare cases where you may want to consider abortion. while its noble of your husband to not care that the baby isnt his and want to take you back, it simply is not that easy. you cant just work things out with him and raise the baby together like its his and think it will be ok because fact is the other guy, real father, is already involved and you cannot stop him from continuing to be involved with his child even if you go back to your husband. it will be a big mess for all involved for the rest of everyone's lives.
My suggestion would be to stall both men and get your butt to a psychologist or psychiatrist - not because you're emotionally unstable but to help you sift through the issues and help you analyze the situation within the context of your own personality. I want to lean toward returning to your husband, but you need to carefully evaluate your options in light of what you think you know about yourself.

I can tell you this - that baby will respond positively to love - period. But depending on how well you discipline him - and I don't mean how many swats he gets on his behind - how much crap you put up with - and he will soon learn what that line is - then he will or will not give you a bunch of trouble when he becomes a teen. Put up with all his little crap until he's 6 and you've lost him. Let him know no later and 24 months that if he doesn't behave he's going to be spending a hell of a lot of time in "time out," and you've got a chance.

Good luck - Yeah, I know a lot more than you asked for - but that's what you get when 77 year old men get a shot at answering your questions. :)
Unless you can see the future, you cannot know if you (or your potential child) will be happy with either man in your lives, or neither man...

Perhaps a few sessions with a counselor would help you sort out your feelings better and decide what the best course of action might be...

Consider, you split up with your husband 4 mos ago...that's not really enough time for you and the new boyfriend to know if you want to share your lives (even if you are pregnant by him)...

Nobody knows what decision might lead to the most happiness for you...but you should give it some more thought, for sure...
Well, let me recap this situation. You date your current husband for 6 years and then married the dude. Two years into the marriage, no baby. Must have been by choice the no baby thing. Then you have separation for reasons you do not explain. So far so good? OK. Then during this separation you magically get pregnant? How in the world did that happen? Well, I know how it happened but a decision was made by you as to not practice birth control. Were you that angry and capitalized the revenge-sex episode to punish the husband for the separation? Wait, this gets better. And now, you have two absolutely angels of manhood that are boning up to your, competing if you will, for various reasons to be the man in your life and each forgives you for the applicable errors and are more than willing to be the father of this child? Wait, it gets better! Then, you postulate ample and logical reasons as to why chose one man over the other and both offers seem to provide good points and bad points. Me dear, you just won the Woman of the Year in my book! This really happened? So, now you ask for advice. First, is your husband sterile? In 8 years you did not get pregnant and now, after weeks with new-guy you get a child. Second, forget about the kid's happiness. He or she will know only one. Is new-guy-dad insisting on child visiting privileges? By going back to hubby and him accepting the child as his own via the birth certificate that will not give new-guy-dad any rights whatsoever unless he goes legal on you, demands a paternity test, and gets recognized as the father. You may want to have that clarified. The only logical decision is to recognize this interlude as such, return to the marriage, have the child as the product of the marriage, and move forward with your lives. And congratulations for finding two treasures of men in your lifetime. I would guess that many ladies reading this would be either envious or incredulous. Sorry to take so long but your situation is rather complex. I wish you the best of luck.
My question to you what if you do the same mistake again?

What are you going to then once a cheater always is no matter what good words come out your mouth.

Is not his fault and to suffer rest of his life because of your mistakes, Why are you ruining his life
Get an abortion, for heaven's sake!

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