Thursday, February 16, 2012

Atheists, why do some of you even try?

Not a single thing you do will "ultimately" change anything. Putting forth an effort is analogous to a man pushing a rock up a hill only to have it roll back down. A poor waste. You are going to die and go back to where you were before you existed just as your life never happened.

All will be lost and eventually all matter will decay, the universe will die a heat death and there is nothing we can do to stop it. There is no hope...Atheists, why do some of you even try?
While what you say is true, we are biologically programmed by our genes to attempt to survive and thrive.
Life is not a destination, it is a journey.

Live it up while you can, bro. Life is special, and it is wonderful. Be thankful that you are alive, and that you can think, feel, and observe the beauty around you. Being depressed and moping around your entire life will lead to nothing but sadness and misery. But if you do something, and take the initiative, you will look back in 60 years and say "wow, life is awesome." The start of happiness and fulfillment begins with you. No matter you religion or anything else, you should live life how you want to and do what makes you happy. (Granted you aren't hurting others.) I used to be depressed and think about what happens after death or why we are here... and I found out nothing. No definitive information. What I discovered was that life is special, and you, along with every living creature ever, should take advantage of that. No matter what happens after death or what happened before life, live like you want to. There is so little we know, and the more we learn, the more we realize how little we know. Mystery is a great thing. It leaves interpretation to us. You are in control. Make things out as you will, and others will think of things their way. You have the freedom to do whatever, and be happy, and all you do is sit around and mope about death. Live it up.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” - Albert EinsteinAtheists, why do some of you even try?
Having seen this question so many times, can you just end yourself a wee bit quicker? Clearly you have some issues with the 'Verse and you manage to suck at this whole emo bit.
We dont need hope to fulfill us. We make the most of what we have, because we know that there isn't anything after this. Live like today is your last! And who cares if there is "hope" when we know what is right for us.Atheists, why do some of you even try?
You continue to spew nonsense. If you can't find meaning beyond your god, that's not atheists' fault. I'm a Theist, and I find most of my purpose beyond my faith.
Okay. Most people only think about food, sex and excrement....No one cares about the fact that life has no objective meaning, no one needs one.
You really, really need to read "The Myth of Sisyphus" by Camus.

You seem to like that analogy, so I think you might get something out of it.
ending doesn't important, the important is the process

don't be so depressed, if you fell, get up
You are lost to reason and intelligence, but that does not mean that others can't get their religious blindfolds removed.
And why exactly is this question directed at atheists?
Try to do what?

As for me, I "try" because I enjoy life. The enjoyment of life is its own purpose.
Human spirit
This only happens because ignorant people won't listen to us... we generally succeed in logical arguments though
I think you should turn that frown upside down
Do or do not, there is no try.

Good day to you as well.
Your glass is half empty ... sorry to hear about that.

So why do you even try?
Tell me about it. Try what? Why lift weights? You get stronger.
Don't take a job on the suicide hotline, k?
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