Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can a employer force daily exercise on employees without giving options to do so?

Asking for a friend... The company he works for is demanding daily stretching and exercise claiming it to be mandatory. They weren't given an option and just very demanding. Can anyone please direct me to a link that explains company and/or employees rights concerning this matter. Now, I understand that it would actually be a good thing for everyone, but obviously that's not what Im asking here.So if what good could come from this new regulation is the first answer that pops into your head, please reread and look at the question .. im looking for a link. Thanks...Can a employer force daily exercise on employees without giving options to do so?
The employer pays you. They pay you to do what they say. You don't, you get fired. Though it may depend on what the exercise IS.Can a employer force daily exercise on employees without giving options to do so?
It would not surprise me that it is legal and as stated a goo thing for your "friend". The reason being employer's do not want to be responsible for employees sitting for 8 hours a day and developing blot clots, typing all day and getting carpal tunnel. Haing said that I am sure if your "friend" wants out of a healthy lifestyle then he can get a doctor to sign a statement getting him out of it. Something also tells me that it is NOT 100% mandatory either.Can a employer force daily exercise on employees without giving options to do so?
I know they can ban employees from smoking even off work. Our local firemen are barred from smoking, so I'm sure they can probably demand exercise too.

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