Monday, February 13, 2012

Do you think a 16 year old should be allowed to say "crap"?

I'm 16 and I have three younger siblings ages 13, 11 and 8. We live with my dad and he gets mad if I say "crap." He says it's a cuss and "doesn't like it." I think I'm old enough to say "crap" once in a while. There are much worse things I could be saying, I mean honestly.

Don't say "he's your father, do what he says." Tell me what YOU think.|||No. I grew up with it being a cuss word, not as serious as some swear words, but still inappropriate. I still don't say it. So your dad isn't bizarre, some of us actually see it as a dirty word.

Next time just say "Oh feces."|||well sorry but my answer is going to sound like "he's your father, do what he says"

the point is, it's not about whether you should be allowed to say crap, it about the fact that it's his house and his rules. My dad was the same way, I wasn't allowed to say crap, that sucks, or pissed off! There's always going to be rules in life. I'm not allowed to wear jeans or sandals to work, really doesn't matter whether I think it's fair or not. Honestly, if the biggest problem in your life is that daddy gets mad when you say crap, I'd say you're living a pretty good life! So here's an idea... how about you just don't say crap around your dad?|||Okay. I'll tell you what I think - He's your father, do what he says.

He is raising you, providing for you, and trying to make you an upstanding citizen who will contribute to society, instead of demolishing it.

Now the word crap is very mild compared to "sh*t" but it is still a cuss. You're substituting crap for a swear word, therefore still swearing. It's like saying alternatives to "Jesus Christ" - no matter how you say it, you're still taking the lords name in vein (not that I really care about that crap, I am far from religious). (See I just used the word crap myself and should be smacked, lol )

Honestly though, if I were a father and my kid(s) were to say crap, I wouldn't care. But, if I did care and I told them not to do it, it would be in their best interest to "not" do it.|||I think that around your friends you can say it all you want but around parents it's respectful to not use language that you know they don't like. "Crap" is ONE word out of THOUSANDS, if you can't think up of anything better to say than that around your father then he has bigger problems than his 16 year old cussing...|||You are supposed to be a good influence on your younger siblings, so 'crap' is not something you want to teach them. Personally, without younger kids around, I really would not object so much to you saying the word because there are so many other worse words you could be saying.|||I think it's perfectly fine, I grew up in a house where I was allowed to say crap because my parents didn't view it as a swear, but that's my parents view. Everyone has a different perspective on things .|||Well, he is your father if you are in his house you should respect his rules.

You would want others to respect your rules when you own a home, so its only fair to do it for others.

I wouldnt care if my 16 year old swore....all 16 year olds do it anyway, its just a word|||WELL, JUST CONSIDERING MOST 8 YEAR OLDS SWEAR ALL THE TIME, IT DOES NOT REALLY MATTER, I SAY THINGS LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME, JUST NOT WHEN I AM AROUND MY PARENTS, NOT THAT MINE WOULD CARE OR ANYTHING, BUT YOU HAVE TO ACT REALLY GOOD AROUND YOUR ELDERS SO YOU CAN GET THINGS YOU WANT:)|||yeah you can.. why not? you are not a small child.. just don't curse around your siblings and that's all

I'm 19 %26amp; honestly I don't curse around my family, maybe sometimes when I am really pissed off but I try not to be rude cause I respect them.|||Yes if the situation warrants the use of the word but you shouldn't abuse the privilege of the word by over saying it because if you do that your definitely still too young to use it|||dude I'm 16 too and I say it all the time. My parents every once in a while will look at me but most of the time they don't care. I think its my favorite word in the English language lol|||I don't see the probably. Crap really isn't even a cuss word.

I guess though, if it keeps him happy then just don't say it around him.

Say it when your with your friends and what not.|||i think you are a moron... do what he says and respect his feelings and his home. you are a child have no rights or responsibilities. so, do as you are told...|||in 2 yrs you can say what you want i dont think crap is a bad word anyway|||Yes it's fine and it's not even a cuss word.|||I'm 16, and i say bersnofalookle!|||Well obviously u should be allowed to say it, but why does it matter? Just dont say it at home|||my brother is 6 and he says everything, just not around my dad|||crap is not a cuss word.

But is rude

just don't say it around your little sisters and your dad|||I think that's a load of crap---I'm thirteen|||My six y old says crap lol

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