Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lost confidence in myself? (link)?

Im a pretty self concious person in general with a low self esteem. However, one of my favourite things to do is Acting, and i have a pipe dream of being in a stage show. however I auditioned for my school play this year, and i got NO part, not even in the chorus. Out of about 30 people who auditioned, some who in my opinion were bad actors and tone deaf, I was the only one who didn't get a part at all. I got a part in the play last year, but the auditioner (same person as this year) hinted that i only got the part because the character was supposed to be really tall, and i'm only 5"2, however despite that I think i played the part well.

I must say though, i think that i'm FAR better at speech than I am at singing, so i'm wondering if this was what was letting me down? I thought i was an ok singer, but after auditioning and seeing who got parts rather than me, im beginning to think I must sound really bad if i wasn't even allowed in the chorus.

this is what i sang at the audition confidence in myself? (link)?
Self esteem/ Self confidence is the set of beliefs that you have about yourself. It is how good (or bad) you feel about yourself.

Examples of self-beliefs that constitute self esteem/ self confidence:

- I am an excellent writer

- I am a good human being

- I am great at explaining concepts to others

- I feel i am ugly

- I am too fat

- I am not good with people

- I am a bad person

As you see above, it can be both broad (I am a good human being) or specific to a certain field (I am an excellent writer). Also, self-esteem or self-confidence is known by many other synonyms such as self-worth, self-respect, etc.

Why is self esteem/ self confidence important?

Success in anything we take up in our life is directly linked to the amount of confidence we have in ourselves. Lack of confidence in oneself or low self-esteem prevents us from achieving our full potential in life. A low self-esteem also prevents us from enjoying life fully. In order to increase your self esteem and self confidence you need to change your thoughts. Both your conscious and subconscious thoughts can affect your self esteem/ self confidence.

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