Monday, February 20, 2012

What Do I Do After Turning Someone in For Drug Use?

So, I was sitting in my first period math class, in which there is only one other freshman, doing my work diligently. I have gotten used to everyone dealing drugs during class, and since there was never any solid proof they were doing so, only verbal.

They were joking around and being idiots as per usual, and then I heard one say something, "Hey, I'm gonna light this, dude."

EOC's were going on in a lot of classes, so our first period had been extended to four hours or more. His friends thought he was joking at first saying things like, "That would be so dope!" and other crap like that. After he took his lighter out the words changed to, "Oh, he's really gonna do it!"

I guess they just don't realize how stupid it is to light a joint during class. He sat diagonal behind me, so I could watch out of the corner of my eye. I saw it light, saw him take a couple of drags, and finally saw him put it out. This happened three times, supposedly, because I didn't turn around to check again.I was more focused on holding my breath so I wouldn't cough my lungs out.

I tried positioning my self so the teacher had a better view, and I thought I had gotten them caught, so of course I thought it was over.

But just in case, I thought it was right to have a fall back. This teacher has a son in my third period, but I didn't want to tell him there. So, when I went to audition for the upcoming play, I told him while I was there, praying he would catch the hint and inform his mother.

An evening and a school day later, today, I was walking to class. The teacher approached me and told me that her son told her, asked me if I was sure it was multiple, told me she found remnants of one, gave me advice to drop a note or tell the teacher directly in private next time, so as not to get too involved, and rejoiced with me in the fact that he wasn't here today.

I want to know where this would leave me, though. What am I supposed to do if they start asking me confusing questions? What do I do if they don't send him to STAR Accademy? Will they tell him the tip was from someone in class, or worse, willl they tell him it was me?

I was raised in a mature family, so I am aware that this could get dangerous if everything doesn't work out.

Also, I don't want any random teenagers answering this question with words like snitch or tattle. I know I did the right thing, so if you have a problem, please keep it to yourself.What Do I Do After Turning Someone in For Drug Use?
I'm appauled this is going on any school or educational facility, and to be honest if you were my child i'd be pulling you out of there this second. You absolutely did the right thing, how is anyone supposed to learn anything in what is effectively a drug den with kids dealing and smoking with one another while you're trying to concentrate, listen and work.

If I were you, speak to your parents and switch schools. If that's not an option, answer the questions they need to know and be explicit that this has to remain anonymous, however, no teacher that I know would ever tell these people who told about the drugs anyway, it would be very dangerous to do so - then again, I know no teachers who could let this all happen to begin with.
The administration of your school isn't interested in starting fights among the students. You reported the incident, but the teacher had other proof than just your complaint. You shouldn't have to get more involved than you are.What Do I Do After Turning Someone in For Drug Use?
You can't be afraid of the fall out now, you already stirred the pot! You should have minded your own business.
They cannot legally tell them who the narc is, so I wouldn't worry about it.What Do I Do After Turning Someone in For Drug Use?
Take this as life learning experience.

You did what you felt is right. Doing what you feel right in your heart is to be admired. If others

do not like what you have chosen to do,... well it may be tough for you for a period of time, But YOU will be

the one holding your head up high in the end.

In ten years, you will be proud of your decision to do what is

right in your eyes.People may think that "snitching" on someone is

really not the way to go. However.... most do not think that by saying

something, you may be helping that person to change their own life.

I understand exactly.. I have lived a life that you cannot even comprehend at your age.
You did the right thing. They are not supposed to tell the guilty person who tipped them off so if you find out that they did and he bothers you, then I would talk to your parents so they can deal with the school. If he bothers you out of only suspicion that you reported him, talk to the teacher about that. Try not to deal with him at all.
it was just pot nothing wrong with it not going to kill anyone seems to me the teacher didnt really care since they didnt say anything cause pot has a very distinct smell.....and hasnt your mom ever said to you not to snitch?.....just hope they dont find out but then agian may not be mad cause stoners are usualy nice
They can't tell the suspect who the informant is, because of witness intimidation laws. So bascially, you don't need to do anything drastic, like fleeing the country, but I would suggest keeping a low profile from now on. Just keep your head down and get on with your work.

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