Monday, February 20, 2012

Would you have honored "the bro code" in this situation?

im sharing this because 1. im bored %26amp; 2. i actually find it somewhat admirable that this kid had this strangers back.鈥?/a>

if you dont want to click heres what happens in a nutshell.

girl thinks bf is cheating so she tries to make a fake facebook account to flirt with him to see if he would cheat on her.

part of this involves adding lots of people as friends to make it look legit.

one kid learns about her scheme %26amp; gets her to send him her boyfriends account %26amp; then he emails him %26amp; warns him about it.

would you say that this was a stand up thing to do or no?Would you have honored "the bro code" in this situation?
What a goody two shoes.

Somebody needs to beat him up.
Hells ya bros before hoes she is using entrapment and even the cops do that S.Would you have honored "the bro code" in this situation?
I am not sure I would do it! In reverse because if I didn't know the chick I guess I just don't like getting involved in other peoples business...


I think it was fine he did this!

And the fact that she got caught in her psychoness serves her right!

I think when people are so insecure (weather the person is cheating or not) to go to extremes of reading their phones, emails, FB %26amp; trying to trick into something it is a lack of security %26amp; an invasion of right or wrong. If you think someone is cheating its best to confront the issue directly or move on not act like a nut!
Hello fellow funny junkie. I have already seen the picture, and I think what he did was right for the bro code . Why ? Put simply that girl should just trust him or have evidence before accusing and **** ...her method this way is retarded, and the wrong way to handle things IMOWould you have honored "the bro code" in this situation?
i would tell, because she is being silly. if you have to go through all this to check on a guy, you need to cut your loses and move on. this isn't normal or sane. she is very immature and insecure. i would advise him to dump the whack job. every time you test someone, you will not get the answer you hope for.
Absolutely honor the Bro Code. The girl should just talk to her bf about it. Guys like simplicity and being upfront. If she went through all this trouble just to find out if her bf was cheating on her, then she doesn't have a very good relationship and dialogue with her bf in the first place. Don't let this girl try and sneak her way into finding out information; guys shouldn't take that crap, it's called talking about things.
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