Monday, February 20, 2012

Am i wrong or are they being unhelpful?

I'm so frustrated, i mean at boiling point, im shaking with rage. Its going to sound stupid to most of you but this is important to me, usually i fall flat on my face when i try to do things (and its starting to go that way again) but i have tried my best as a negative moody person to stay positive for the last couple weeks. I'm trying to get my first car, i have picked out a car, its rare and i have fallen in love with it. Its about 3hr drive away and everyone is running away from me, they are all to busy to help me collect it. Family friends all of them, no one wants to know about it or help me out. Its perfect, just out of depression trying to become a little independent, this car would mean a lot to me. Kind of like a new beginning a new chapter in my life, moving on becoming independent and not feeling hopeless anymore. Now though this is beginning to look bad. Its ridiculous but anyone that knows how depression works knows how much tiny little things knock you back the most. I'm starting to think what's the f#cking point again.

Am i wrong in thinking someone could help me out or am i asking to much of people?Am i wrong or are they being unhelpful?
a three hour drive shouldn't be a problem on a weekend or something.

if nobodies going to help you, you need to help yourself.

call whoever owns the car and tell them you are going to buy the car.

take a look at what kinds of public transport are available (if you can drive it back i mean)

i can imagine what you're going through but you need to understand that your friends probably have things to do, but if they don't have a good excuse, get in their face and convince them to take you.

make it fun somehow maybe?

and no it doesn't sound ridiculous at allAm i wrong or are they being unhelpful?
God helps those who help themselves! You need to be more assertive! Start telling people/friends how you really feel! Answer mine鈥?/a>

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