Monday, February 20, 2012

Why do gays say theyre gay because it was passed down to them? as in heredity?

there is no such thing as a gay gene

so there is this little RNA protein making someone like the same gender? lol bs

also my teacher said the "gay" gene is a womens genes "XX"

I wanna hear answers from both straight and gay peoplesWhy do gays say theyre gay because it was passed down to them? as in heredity?
Agreed. No such thing as a "gay gene". I still believe that I was born gay. There are a lot of things that can contribute to how you will grow or develop that don't have to do with genes. Fingerprints give unique designs because the skin grows fast within the womb, obviously nothing to do with heredity, but still very physical, real feature. People can easily determine whether a baby will be left or right handed, and they will stay that way. Personally, I believe that hormones within the womb feminize homosexual (males) brains, and that is why they are gay.

The theory goes:
Mother's body sees male as foreign, so sends things to fight it.
These things happen to feminize baby.
Baby's brain develops differently because of this.

I believe this strongly for a couple reaons.

1: I've tried to be straight...didn't work.
2:No psychological theories applied to me, at all.
3: Science largely agrees it's BIOLOGICAL, not so much genetic, though it may be a factor.

Twins share orientation much more often than other siblings, even when adopted into separate homes. Identical share an orientation much more than fraternal, but fraternal same sex twins share an orientation much more than other siblings. Now, if this wasn't genetic at all, I doubt there would be a difference between identical and fraternal twins. If it wasn't biological at all, I doubt that twins would have an increase over other siblings (they share a womb)

Gay brain symmetry is different than their straight counterpart, gay man more symmetrical and gay female assymetrical, similar to straight women for gay men and straight men for gay women. The hypothalamus is also proportioned somewhat differently for gay men. Also other wacky stuff like finger proportions and the way the hair grows and stuff like that.

Believe whatever you want. I'm totally with you. I doubt that it's completely genetic. Genes probably just affect how susceptible fetuses are to the hormones

Dont know what is what for the females though.
No darling! It's a very large ornate ceremony that we are taken through as children. There is a lot of smoke and glitter and a man behind the curtain. It's invitation only, so try not to be jealous that you did not make the cut.Why do gays say theyre gay because it was passed down to them? as in heredity?
What I love about people like your teacher is they are making claims on a subject that by they own admission they have not done any credible study on and have no first hand experience in the field.

Could you imagine the teachers response if you told her that a friend of yours who is a electrician told you that teachers are lazy and only work for 5 hours a day. The teachers first response will be, how would an electrician know what happens in the working day of a teacher?

Or if a guy was to tell you all about the experience of a women who is raped. People would ask what credibility this guy has to be making a claim of knowing.

To answer your opening question.

They say this because unlike bisexuals, neither homosexuals or heterosexuals have the luxury of choice. Only bisexuals can make a choice. So as we have no choice we say it was how we were born. Or as you put it we inherited it. I suspect saying ti was inherited is maybe stretching it as that term more or less suggest its a trait that our parents had and we also have it, where as many gay people have parents who are straight.
sigh. why do you think you're attracted to women..? just 'cause?

why do you think people, and other species that reproduce sexually generally have a drive to have sex?

this is a neurological process a sexual being is predetermined to have, and it's generally "turned on" by hormones by puberty. you undergo chemical processes when you see, hear or think about something you find sexually appealing, and the fact that you find it sexually appealing is because that's what you're wired to sexually positively respond to.

gay people are wired sexually respond to images, thoughts, possibly voices, etc. of the same sex.

those who are also romantic undergo processes related to romantic love, and romantic orientation is at least Generally in sync with sexual orientation, thus many homosexual people will experience romantic feelings toward only the same sex as well, as many heterosexual people experience romantic feelings toward only the opposite sex.

many neurological atypicalities do often have a genetic component, though this is difficult to prove. there has also been no genetic link found for autism though it Definitely has a strong tendency to run in families, i'm pretty sure dyspraxia also has no known genetic link though it has a tendency to run in families, and while i'm Pretty sure (though not entirely) that a definite genetic component in schizophrenia has been found, it definitely took them quite awhile to narrow anything down regarding that neurological atypicality as well. it's definitely a possibility that homosexuality, like these other neurological atypicalities, has a genetic component Somewhere.

a popular theory on the development of sexuality in general is that it's dictated by certain hormones received in utero; homosexual people would have received atypical hormones, resulting in atypical sexual development. of course it's possible that the sensitivity to these hormones may be genetic, or that the release of these hormones by the mother may be genetic, etc.Why do gays say theyre gay because it was passed down to them? as in heredity?
There is no such thing as a "gay gene", think about it, why would a HETEROSEXUAL (straight) person be carrying a gay gene? It doesnt make any sense.
Thats like saying you have "boy" genes, that you can only have baby boys instead of girls.
%26amp; no, your an idiot, protein has nothing to do with sexuality grow the F*c* up.

Being gay just means that your ATTRACTED to the same sex, idiot, it never changes the same person you were before. people are naturally born with there sexual orientation, its never a choice. did YOU choose to be a born a boy? Its BOIOLOGY!
You so seriously need to learn about human biology. No, it's not genetic. It's inborn as a result of development. The current theory is that sexuality is influenced in utero by fluctuating hormone levels and possibly other environmental causes. In other words, you grow that way.
i don't know but i have a friend who is gay, he has an uncle that is gay, he has a cousin that is gay, and a cousin who is a lesbian. so maybe it does run in the family
This is a really really hard question to answer. You might need to ask scientists/geneticists about this...

I don't believe it was passed down as a trait though.
You need serious therapy....also people you are so focused on homosexuality are usually gays...
Havent heard a gay say this but um ok o-o
i think it has something to do with a part in our brain that makes people gay..
I've never heard a gay guy say this.
what the hell are you babbling on about?

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