Thursday, February 16, 2012

Being Widowed and Wedding Ring?

If a woman is widowed, and gets remarried, what is the appropriate thing to do with her first wedding ring? Wear it on the right hand instead? Just curious.Being Widowed and Wedding Ring?
wear your new one only and hold your first husband in your heart.
My mother and her husband, both widowed in previous marriages, both wear their original rings on their right ring fingers. The rings they exchanged when getting married are worn on the left hand.

Another thing, I was with a guy who had a problem with me wearing the ring from my first husband, he would never become my husband. That's an insecurity that I don't feel like dealing with. But, my husband isn't like that. I still have the ring, and all of the pictures of my first (deceased) husband. I don't wear the ring because I'm smaller now than was then and don't want to get the ring resized. So, I could wear it if I chose.. and I could wear it on whatever hand I wanted to.Being Widowed and Wedding Ring?
Whatever she desires...wear it on another finger, put it away for safe-keeping, pass it on to her child, melt it down and turn it into something else to wear...

That's a personal decision...however, keeping it in its original form and continuing to wear it, may be seen as disrespectful to her current beau/ would you feel if your sweetie still wore their previous wedding ring??? It would kind of cause me to feel like I was coming in 2nd behind a deceased person, when in truth the 2 relationships shouldn't be compared (they are different)...
I still have the engagement ring my first fianc茅 gave me. He passed away before we were married. It's tucked inside my jewelry box where I see it every day. I would never think to wear it. Mostly because I don't want to answer nosy questions. And though he would never admit it, I think it would bother my husband.Being Widowed and Wedding Ring?
Right hand or on a chain would be appropriate, I guess.

That is as long as the new spouse doesn't have a problem with it, which, unless he's a total P.O.S., he shouldn't.

A nice thing to do would be to pass it on to the child that was closest to their Father when they get married.
Many women wear it on the right hand or keep it and pass it down to a son or daughter or sell it. Any of those options is acceptable.
Imwouldn't wear it. But no way in hell would I ever get rid of it. Probably just keep it nice and safe. Maybe give it to my daughter from the first marriage, if there was one.
She can wear it on the right hand if her new spouse doesn't mind. Pass it on to one her children. Keep it in her jewelery box.
you dont wear it at all. you arent married anymore. I would melt it down and turn it into another piece of jewelry.
I wouldn't wear it. I would put it up somewhere.
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