Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to be a turn off to ppl that creep on me without being mean? ?

Ive tried a bunch of gross things and ignoring them but they wont stop. All the gross things i do they think its hot? they are sooooo creepy one of them was standing on the road outside my house at 2am and i never said any personal info about me..? help!How to be a turn off to ppl that creep on me without being mean? ?
Hahahah, I have NO clue why but this is hilarious!

So if you have tried everything, tell them

-You do taxidermy for fun and you want them to stuff animals with you

-Be serious, you can't crack up with this. Tell him he was in your dreams last night, and you were doing him from the back with a strap on! Then tell him how much you loved it.

-Do something gross like pick a wedgie.

-Litterally dig for gold while theyre watching, like hardcore digging.

-Eat it if you're brave

-Tell him you wear garbage bags as an outfit when you're alone. I seriously knew someone who does this

Well that's about it, I'm stumped!

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