Monday, February 13, 2012

Do You Think I Have OCD?

Things I do that make me think I have OCD:

- I have to have bottles, boxes, cans, etc facing me, so that I can see the front of them.

- I keep my closet organized by color and Types of clothing (like, all short sleeves together, all long sleeves together, etc.)

- I can't stand hearing people chew their food/talk with their mouth full/or chew with their mouth open

- I brush my teeth in a certain way that let's me know for sure that each side of my mouth have had the same amount of "brushing time"

- I always have to straighten piles of paper or stacks of anything.

- I keep everything in my Bookbag organized from big to little

- I keep my makeup organized in order of which I use the products.

- I have to brush my hair the same amount of times on each side

- I'm not really sure if this has anything to do with OCD, but I don't really like eating infront of people, in fear that I will spill something on myself or make a mess, get something on my face or in my teeth

- I love making lists for EVERYTHING I do! Any chance I get to make a list I take it!

- I can't stand having a hair out of place, or my makeup being a little smudged or uneven

-if I look to one side for a while without moving my head, just my eyes, I look the opposite way for about the same time to make it even

- I can't stand having anything on my hands other than lotion or handsanitizer (and obviously soap and water when I'm washing my hands), but it's not because I'm really worried about germs...I just don't like the feeling of having anything on my hands

- I constantly touch my hair to fix it, and fix my clothes whenever I see they have a little wrinkle in them

-when writing on paper, if I have to erase...I need to have it erased GOOD. I can't stand having smudge marks on my paperDo You Think I Have OCD?
Yes, you do. I do also. When I was little, if I couldn't make an action figure stand on a flat surface with its feet perfectly even, I couldn't play with it. Among so many other things, lol.Do You Think I Have OCD?
OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts and the compulsive rituals to absolve them. It doesn't sound like you have it but you sound like you're just a perfectionist/ neat freak. You should see a real doctor if you're so concerned though.

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