Monday, February 13, 2012

How do I get ride of my girlfriends best friend?

Okay, my girlfriend had been friends with this girl for a little over a year and I've been dating my girlfriend for 7 months. Well my girlfriends friend is annoying, won't shut up about anything, her laugh drives me insane, and she does really stupid things and thinks its funny. Anyway the point is I don't like her and she gets on my nerves very bad and my girlfriend wants me to be friends with her and get along with her but it will never happen. What do I do??How do I get ride of my girlfriends best friend?
You can't just get rid of her friend. She's been friends with her longer then she's been dating you. A girls number 1 rule is chicks before d*cks, meaning friends before guys. She's probably being like that to get rid of you too.
Well you can't make your girlfriend give up her friend for you, she's been friends with her longer than you. The best you can do is have her distance YOURSELF from her friend. Try to offer your girlfriend go with you and hang out with people your both friends with, without her annoying friend. Best friends will always be there for you, boyfriends and girlfriends won't. It's definitely not right to make her choose because I'm sorry to say but she will most likely choose her best friend. Or if she chooses you she might one day hate you for it. If you just go out and say you don't like her friend she will most definitely be mad at you, and worse, break up with you. Be careful what you say and do and don't be openly rude to her friend, girls do talk..How do I get ride of my girlfriends best friend?
There are so many things wrong with this.

First of all, your girlfriend's best friend is going to be there for her after you two break up. Second of all, she is YOUR GIRLFRIEND'S best friend, NOT yours so you shouldn't have to worry about her at all! Lastly, your girlfriend's best friend doesn't have to be with you guys all of the time. Just make plans with your girlfriend only. If she doesn't understand, then move on. You're a really bad boyfriend if you want to make your girlfriend and her best friend fight..
Nothing. If you try to make her choose, you will lose. Would you give up your best friend for her sake? I really doubt it. This girl isn't doing anything wrong, your dislike of her is your own problem. I think you should just tell your girlfriend that when they hang out, you don't want to be around. It's a reasonable comprimise.How do I get ride of my girlfriends best friend?
look dude, i get that she's annoying, but if forced to choose, your girlfriend will most likely choose her friend. so i suggest you suck it up, but mention to your girlfriend that you guys just really don't get along and you would prefer to spend less time with her.

answer mine?;鈥?/a>
Get over her, if you care about your girlfriend then just tell her that you don't get along with her friend, and thats that, but don't try anything stupid like trying to separate them...
just be polite to her and act friendly try ignore how annoying she is and just tell ur gf u would prefer if ye hung out with her less as a couple.
Tell her you don't like her! Be sincere
ask her
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