Monday, February 13, 2012

Do you think my cousins boyfriend sounds like a weirdo?

First let me just say that my cousins boyfriend is an a** I'm not a fan at all. Last night though I was babysitting and the baby woke up so went up stairs and she wouldn't take her bottle and didn't need changed so I was just rockin her trying to calm her down. Well they came home and my cousins boyfriend came up, I'll just call him "Vince" anyway he was all like this is what U have to to blah blah being kind of a jerk but I'm thinking okay well ur home now it's 2am take her and pay me so I can leave. Well she started to calm down for him after awhile though so I was up there waiting and He like poked me in my face and goes"smile, because this is what ur going to do" then he laid down on the bed with her and told me to go warm a bottle up so that's what I did. Then I took it up and he says " lay down" I just looked at him and was like "Vince, she's calm with u if u get up she's going to cry I haven't seen her in months she doesn't really know me." plus I just wanted to go home since it was late I was tired and had work in the morning. But he was persistent and kept saying "just lay down beside her" so I did even though he was still laying in the bed too. I put my hand like on her stomach and he was like "move closer to her" but she was right up against him and it seemed weird this wasn't a big bed or anything and I just rolled my eyes. So then he was like " I'm not gonna do anything ur like 15" so I was like "uhmm didn't think you would? And I'm 19 but she's going to cry she don't know me that well" he got up and seemed mad taking the bottle with him? Well not even 5 minutes later she started to cry again. My cousin was down stairs through all this with some of their friends. Well he yelled up "just put her in the crib and shut the door" so I did I go down stairs and it takes a half hour before he pays me....

maybe he isn't a creep but it did make me kind of uncomfortable considering some of the little things hes done in the past throwing things down my shirt or kicking my ***...but then he will always act like a jerk to and make rude comments. idk what do you think?Do you think my cousins boyfriend sounds like a weirdo?
It sounds like he's an inappropriate jerk and you should stay away from him! He's manipulating you into a situation that could likely lead to rape or abuse. It also sounds like the baby is in a high risk environment and that concerns me. I would share your story with a responsible family member who can help monitor the care and welfare of the baby.Do you think my cousins boyfriend sounds like a weirdo?
Honestly It Sounds Like He Wanted To Have Sex With You. What A Creep. You Should really Consider Telling Your Cousin about That ! That's Kinda Weird !!

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