Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do I get my parents to stop fighting?

My parents basically hate each other. My mom sort of made my dad propose in the first place and I'm convinced they truly shouldn't be married, but the are. My twin brother always starts fights with my mom about stupid things and always is on my dads side. My parents are like children they just throw insult after insult at each other and it's really depressing to watch. I beg them to stop and it's been 12 years (I'm 16) and they just dont listen to me. It's really messing me up nothing I've tried to make them stop works. What can I do?How do I get my parents to stop fighting?
You need to sit down, and tell them everything you've just typed here, if you'd rather, then pick which one you find it easier to talk to and explain to them. Say how it makes you upset and angry, how you don't like being around them, it's affecting your school work, and if you really want to blunt, tell them they should consider a divorce.

If you don't want to do this, then maybe its going to take you getting upset and angry so they can see for themselves how much its affecting you? When this happens again don't hide in your room and bottle up your emotions, tell them exactly how you feel - and don't be afraid to shout!

It depends how you are with your parents and how you want to go about it, I'm quite direct so either of those situations would work for me. If you don't want to confront either of them it might be a good idea to go to one of your grandparents, or an auntie/uncle and tell them how you feel, and then they can relay the message? If you don't want to do this there are helplines you can call to get advice and places you can go to talk to someone who can act as a go between, between you and your parents.

Sometimes two people just aren't meant to be together and no matter what they will fight, this fighting just makes everyone miserable, so sometimes, it's better for everyone if they separate (My mother and father are divorced and since they separated our house is such a happier place).

Your home should be a safe haven, somewhere you can go to, to chill and be happy, not a nightmare, good luck!

XxxHow do I get my parents to stop fighting?
When everyone is in a calm mood, tell your parents how their fighting affects you. And be ready for them to start blaming each other - at which point you tell them it doesn't matter who is at fault. It needs to stop. Then ask them please to go get counseling.

A lot of parents stay together for the sake of the kids, not realizing that the kids are better off with the parents split up and they don't have to deal with the fighting all the time.

If they won't go for counseling, ask if you can go so you can learn how to deal with the fact that they hate each other. (Use those words, it make shock them into really thinking about how the fighting is coming across.)How do I get my parents to stop fighting?
I had the same problem with my parents juring the summer , try were always fighting , I duno will this help but I sat the 2 of them down an told them I'd run away and stuff if they didn't stop fighting , and I acted really upset about it and they felt bad and they haven't faught since ! I hope this helps cos I no what your going through
Honestly, next time they fight just yell at them. Dont be afraid to throw in a few swears so they know your seriousand tell them about how they're ruining your childhood.

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