Thursday, February 16, 2012

GS regulars of both sexes: do you consider yourself "strong and independent"?

BQ 1: Why or why not?

BQ 2: Do you feel better, worse, or the same about yourself based on this? Or do you not really care?

Personally, I consider myself independent in the sense of enjoying to spend time alone just as much as I do spending time with others, but not in the sense of never needing help. I don't consider myself particularly strong, but that doesn't mean I dislike myself. There are lots of other positive things I consider myself to be.GS regulars of both sexes: do you consider yourself "strong and independent"?
The persistent bad cough I've had @ 2 weeks now makes me feel like I'm dying

But in a "strong, independent" way

Yes, when I have to be. I prefer having a significant other though and as it stands now, it would take me a long time to get over a break-up with my current bf if it ever happens. I don't think it will though. I don't believe in soul mates, but if I did, he is the one.

BQ 1: Well if I had to be a lone, I could definitely support myself and I have my best friend(my Dad) and other people I consider close friends. But I would never need their money or anything like that.

BQ 2: I'm just me, so I don't really care.GS regulars of both sexes: do you consider yourself "strong and independent"?
Not really.

BQ 1: Although I'm a loner, I always need someone by my side, or else I feel like I'm not good enough. I need detailed instructions to do the simplest tasks, I'm always scared I'll screw something up. I'm weak both mentally and physically.. etc. I am independent in other things though.

BQ 2: I don't know.
hello m just m, hope your new year is going well.

mostly... i rarely NEED others.

my enjoyment is internal, counting on others for ones happiness is a recipe for unhappiness.

i usually feel better... sometimes i wish i was more willing to be 'needy', thus willing to settle for less than i think i deserve... like all my friends have.GS regulars of both sexes: do you consider yourself "strong and independent"?
BQ 1:I consider myself physically strong but not mentally, I don't consider myself mentally strong because I get upset by things easily, but I consider myself physically strong because I've cleared out mosh pits before just by entering them.
I am strong in some ways, but weak in others, but definately independent.

Certain situations I can handle really well where others would crumble, certain situations im not good in at all.

This question is a dichotomy, dualism view of the world, no one is as such.

Yet in a restrict term, I can't honestly claim as such, since I always need pvssy...:(
I can't even get my own groceries. I'm weak and dependent, seriously so.

BQ2 - Worse. Makes me feel useless.
Nope. I am weak and dependent. I depend heavily on myself, who is strong.
I manage to survive, and that's about all 75% of the world's population can hope for. :)
When I turn 18, I will be a very strong and independent woman.

I'm patient and kind.

Strong and Independent are over rated.
Yes I do. I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

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