Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do I stop being nervous and stop overthinking?

I swear I do it so much that it keeps me back from speaking up and stuff. I hate it. How can I stop?

I get nervous around so many things. I don't want to seem awkward but I feel like I come off as it because I overthink too much.

Also how can I talk to my crush without being nervous or shy? Like I need more confidence?

Help please. Thanks.How do I stop being nervous and stop overthinking?
just STOP it!

i used to be the exact same way.

but if you think about it, none of the other people are acting this way and they're having a great time!

realize that everyone else is too busy being self concious of themselves to have time to worry about you.

as for confidence, just push yourself a little. you'll build it up over time. for example, you can start by volunteering to read something in class or something. or even smiling at people in the hall :)

as for your crush, just be yourself. i know that that is what everyone says but its the only thing that is honest and the only thing that works.
Best thing to do to get confidence, go a little nutz.

When i'm around my friends, we get crazy and that builds confidence to do something brash, like tell someone to eff off when they're being an asshole.

Im going to try to translate this as best I can, in high school I was very quiet but I was also known as the guy that just went nutz during lunch, I ran around like monkey, I was crazy, it gave me confidence to say funny stuff in class. be a little spontaneous!How do I stop being nervous and stop overthinking?

girl. I know how you feel. I got so much confidence one day, it just made everything else great..

Believe me, you arent the only one that nervous and over thinks.

Just relax. a good way to overcome over thinking is yoga!!

The first time you go up to him and start talking to him will make EVERY OTHER DAY YOU DO SO EASY! Also, get your friends to join it! Make a convo RIGHT next to him, and then be opening and letting people able to join it..

Glare at him a couple times for him to know you're welcoming him (:

Hope this helps!
I know how you feel. I have this problem as well. You have to challenge your thoughts. Once you start ruminating over something you need to ask yourself questions like does this promote my well being? What triggered this feeling? Does this always hold true for me? Challenging your negative thoughts will lead to less stressing and less of a chance of being nervous in public. I'm no expert on these things, but I did have an expert give me this advice. Hope this helps.How do I stop being nervous and stop overthinking?
I really can't tell you how to be confident. I used to have really low selfesteem. But then this year, I thought to myself, "Well, I don't want to go through high school being silent, awkward, and unnoticed. That's worse than making a mistake outloud - which everyone does!"
I used to be the same i had real bad issues to be honest there is no cure, it goes away with time and self acceptance, you need to stop worring about what people are judging you on and start judging them, try walking down the street and making eye contact and smiling at people it really helps
Try exercising a lot more-- that helped me with my anxiety. Also, practice practice practice talking to people. The more you do it, the easier it will be.
I know people with the same situation. Just relax and be yourself. Don,t think about what others think of you. Just have so much confidence and believe in yourself that you can do it.
do some meditations
Smoke some weed
Im the same. its just who we are :)
calm down, take deep breaths, and try not to try so much
follow nike's advice: just do it
thats where the weed comes in
sounds like you are hormonal...something is happenning to your body that is causing it. Could be a good sign.
im the same way!! just relax...clear your mind

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