Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to become a wiccan? Differences between witches and wiccan?

I recently asked a question about wiccans. I was wondering if someone could tell me the exact differences between witches and wiccans. NO IRRELEVANT COMMENTS PLEASE. Is there a certain thing you have to do to officially become one? This means a lot to me so be serious...How to become a wiccan? Differences between witches and wiccan?
Okay: Easy answer

A Wiccan is someone who follows the beliefs and practices of Wicca. Wicca is a modern religion based on the ideas and beliefs of our pre-Christian, European ancestors, mostly the Celts, with some Germanic and even a little Greek thrown in. Modern Wicca also borrowed heavily in its structure and ideas from Ceremonial Magic, so there are lots of 'rules and regulations' when it comes to doing ritual and spell craft.

A witch is any person (male or female, but usually female) who practices spell craft and chooses to identify themselves as a witch. Despite what another answer said, not all Wiccan are witches. Some Wiccan practitioners do not use the term 'witch' because of all the negative connotations to the word. Some use it with the idea of 'redeeming' the word into meaning something inherently good.

To become Wiccan, there are two schools of thought...those that feel you need to be a coven and study actively and with structure for 'a year and a day'. There are also 'sole practitioners' who take the name of 'Wiccan' upon themselves after very little 'formal' training. There is no hard and fast rule regarding this. To be considered a 'witch', you should be actively practicing spellcraft and Choose to take that title upon yourself, realizing that it still holds very strong negative connotations for many people, and Not just Christians.
You need to consider what it is about Wicca that is attractive to you: why is it that you want to be one without having done any real study on it? If you had, you would be aware that you must engage in the study of the faith for a "year and a day" before you could call yourself a "Wiccan".

As for the difference between Wiccans and Witches: all Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccans. Wiccan is the spiritual faith that is centered around the practice of witchcraft, but it is the practice of spellworking that is labeled as witchcraft. Some practice this without the addition of a religious context.How to become a wiccan? Differences between witches and wiccan?
A witch is someone who practices magic, and they don't have to be of a certain religion. Wicca is a nature-based religion about honoring nature and the divine. Some Wiccans practice magic, while others don't.

To become a Wiccan, you need to study for a very long time, and you must be totally committed to that path. Try reading up on the history of Wicca, and its core beliefs. Just make sure to avoid any anti-Wiccan propaganda.
A witch is someone who practices magic and/or the occult.

Wicca is a religion which practices witchcraft. However, they are not the only religion which practices witchcraft. Voodoo is a witchcraft religion(African witchcraft). Satanism is a witchcraft religion, also(though Wiccans deny that they do also).

Edit:@Hunter, I'm sorry, but, you are wrong there. Being a witch %26amp; being a pagan are 2 totally different things. A pagan is a person who belongs to a non-christian religion, while, a witch is someone who tries to conjure magic. Witches were feared %26amp; persecuted in ancient pagan societies also, as well as Christian ones.How to become a wiccan? Differences between witches and wiccan?
First off, you can try to read some texts on Paganism,because that's what Wicca is,a modern Pagan religion. Its really hard to get a straight answer on Yahoo,because while you may get an educated individual, most people are giving a second hand account. Try reading this to clear it up a little.

Another thing, there are many differing forms of Wicca. So one can't really explain them all. As for the difference between witches and wiccan? To my understanding, they are the same.Wicca and witchcraft are both Paganism. Sorry if this seems like a jarble :)

The best thing for you to do to try and become a wiccan, would be to try an find a group to help you study. There's bound to be one by you. Well, I hope this kind of clears it up to you.
This is a contentions debate among the Wicca, truly. There are those who say one can be Wicca without practicing Witchcraft. Very few of these are traditional (initiated) Wicca, as Witchcraft is a significant attribute of traditional ritual practice.

Traditionally, one must be initiated to be Wicca. Eclectic Wiccans often recognize others who have practiced properly for a year and a day or more and possibly performed a self-dedication rite as wicca.

As for Witchcraft, it can be practiced alongside many spiritual paths. I have met Atheist Witches, Catholic Witches, Seidir (Norse Witches), even a couple of Native American Witches.

I practice both, and am an initiate, so I see the overlap as inherent. Nonetheless, I do try to distinguish on my website:
Wiccans follow the religion of Wicca. The religion of Wicca focuses entirely on God and Goddess worship, striving towards balance and seasonal observation.

Witchcraft is **NOT** a religion, therefore deity worship is obsolete. Witchcraft works by use of the will and manipulation of surrounding energies (which are there regardless of if you ask assistance from spirits or Gods).

There is no "offical" way of becoming a Wiccan (as you would, say being baptized to become a Christian). Many people participate in dedication ceremonies, dedicating themselves to Wicca, which is completely up to the individual. This ceremony is does not need it. Initations are reserved for groups...if you join a coven (which only accept members over 18), you would study roughly during a period of a year and a day, then be initiated as a first degree, then go on from there. (Coven's vary in study and practice, so this is a rough generalization)

Try here for a starting point:
I think a witch is a practicioner of Wicca. Its really easy to get started. You need an altar, grail, candles, and a book of magic. There are plenty of books out there which contain rituals fot starting your own coven,celebrating sabats, and prayers/spells. According to the book I have its mostly about connecting to the earth energies,learning their nature, and using this as a tool for spiritual engagement. The rituals arent that complicated and usually leave you with a sense of renewed energy and spiritual awakeness kind of like meditating.
The coven I know uses the term witch to describe themselves interchangeably. True wiccan is more deposed of druid like rituals and herbalism where a witch is more interested in the spell casting aspect. Casting circles and such.
Witchcraft is -- in the modern sense-- the practice of magic. It can be combined with any (or no) religion.

Wicca is a specific religion. You don't need to practice Witchcraft to be Wiccan. Practicing the Craft alone does not make you Wiccan. Many Wiccans don't practice Witchcraft at all, it's simply allowed.

And, just so you know, Wiccans are not Christian. Our worship focuses on our Pagan God(s) and Goddess(es); we don't believe Jesus, the Bible, Saviors, heaven/hell, etc.--

I see in your other question you were going to check out Youtube. Frankly I've never seen a very good Wiccan or Witchcraft youtube video. Please keep in mind that anyone with the craziest ideas can do whatever they want and call it Wicca or Witchcraft. That doesn't mean they're correct.

Better sources are:

And books.
A witch is a magik practitioner of the female gender a Wicca witch is a witch that practices according to the wicca Reid and the rule of three
Most Wiccans refer to themselves as witches. It's just a term.
witches practice witchcraft and wiccans dont have to thats the difference.
witches only appear at books, wiccan are actually as crazy as to believe in god AND magic

to believe in one only make you a little bit less crazy thought
witches wear black hats and striped stockings and have straw for hair and own black cats. wiccans are just fat girls who wear pentagrams and shop at hottopic.
There is a great documentary on witches called "The Wizard of Oz." I suggest you watch it, it is very informative
there is no diff, both of them worship the devil.

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