Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do I tell me husband that I am in some serious debt?

I never told him becuase I was in denial. He thinks that I pay off every month because I am so convincing...what an actress I am...Argh

I guess I wanted to be perfect and look responsible even when I was doing the opposite, and now things are out of control. He needs to put 4 new tired on his car, and he's asking me to put it on my credit card (they are maxed out) and now I have no idea how we can pay for them as our checking is very low right now....Riddle me that, somebody? Take out a loan?

We are married a year and bought a house 2 years ago when this all started. I owe $15,000 on 6 cards (I know, I am pathetic and worthless...) And I just can't face him. This is disgusting and revolting that I would keep this from him...I called a debt management company and am probably going to go through with the paper work as the man I spoke with told me it would take about 4 years to pay off, and I have to cut up all my cards and live off my debit card.

I know to all of you that I sound pathetic and whiney, but I can't do this anymore to him and myself. He is the love of my life and now I have to break the news that I can't help pay for his tires and that his piece of **** wife is useless! We only make about $60/year.

This should come from me before he gets a phone call from someome else, but I fear that there is just no good way to do this, but to just blurt it out would be relationship suicide.

Anyone else out there ever have to do this? Please help and try to not be so mean about it, even though I deserve it.

*Hopeless WifeHow do I tell me husband that I am in some serious debt?
Yes you have been silly but you need me to tell you this

Honesty is your only way out of this mess

And he will respect you more for it

Yes he may blow up at first and that,s to be expected

But when he calms down you can then talk how to deal with it

But this must come from you not a phone callHow do I tell me husband that I am in some serious debt?
The longer you wait, the worse it's going to be.
Trust me, if he gets a phone call from a collection agency at work, he's going to be in absolutely no mood to hear you out. Getting called about debts that you have no idea existed is going to start putting other questions in his head, too.
Like, "What you have been lying to me about?"How do I tell me husband that I am in some serious debt?
sit him down, and tell him the truth. he married you cause he loves you, if he truly does, he will forgive you not telling him about this debt.

Let him know, that even though you are going to go through a debt management company that doesnt mean you are off the hook with the credit card companies, because what you will have to do is stop paying on the cards and start paying the debt management company..which WILL make your already bad credit even worse AND you will get tons of harrassing calls and mail, and even be sued by these companies.

prepare yourself for a few years of it. its not the end of the can and will get through it and NEVER get another credit card.

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