Monday, February 20, 2012

I honestly don't know how to word this question but please answer anyways :D?

So I watching that video of the storm trooper dancing on youtube and it was pretty funny and it gave me an idea to put in my book!

Do you think it'd be funny to sneak up on your enemy and find out they're like dancing or doing something really stupid? I mean, come on, villains are people too, they must do funny things as well. And it would also bring out their personalities I think as well!I honestly don't know how to word this question but please answer anyways :D?
It depends on how it's written. And it also depends on the context used (along with the genre). If it's inappropriate to the story's atmosphere, then my reaction will not likely reflect what the writer intended (example: If Stephen King included this in his 'seriously toned' story, I'd probably interpret it to be strange rather than funny. But of J.K. Rowling included this then I would pick up on the "light" feel and react differently).

But catching a villain mid "Jitter Bug" isn't laugh out loud funny to me, personally. But again, it depends on how it's written and what context it's used.I honestly don't know how to word this question but please answer anyways :D?
That kind of humour works a lot better visually than in the written form. That's why it's been done and redone and redone again in movies, cartoons and TV shows.

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