Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is it wrong that I'm still a little angry at my mother for these things she said to me? Help please?

When I was 13 (I'm 15 now) I gained about 15 pounds. I went from 120 pounds at 5'7 to 135 pounds at the same height. When I got weighed at the doctors office and my mom saw my weight, she yelled at me (when the nurse was gone) and told me I was much too heavy. When we got home she forced me to go on a diet and told me I was just too chubby.

After I turned 14 the next year, she found out I had been talking to the guy I was dating too much instead of completing all my homework. I had lied to her because I was embarrassed and said I had done my homework one day. She found out I had not completed it and called me a freak, and a liar.

When I reached 14 1/2, she started getting on me about my weight again, but I was thin. I was 5'8 and about 125 pounds. She would say stuff like "You shouldn't be eating that!" and "That's fattening!"

Before I turned 15, I was still dating the same guy, and he kissed me for the first time. It was my first kiss, and I told my mom about it. Instead of being happy for me, she yelled at me and told me it was a sin (I read the Bible and I know kissing is not a sin) and told me she sure hopes I slapped him. She wasn't kidding.

A few months after I turned 15, my mom read my diary and found an entry that said I thought she was annoying sometimes. She yelled at me and wouldn't talk to me.

I know my mom loves me. She's usually there for me when I need to talk, unless it's about her. She feels awful when I feel bad, and when I was bullied in the 7th grade she was very angry about it (not at me) and was there for me the whole time.

But these things that have happened bug me. Am I right to feel this way?Is it wrong that I'm still a little angry at my mother for these things she said to me? Help please?
Our hearts might go crusty but our mom heart never does, they r the one who supported us when we coldnt walk even, thy are the one who sat near us nights when we were sick, they r the one who ould sacrifice their own happiness for us, they are the one who love to see their kids happy, sucessful, they are the one who want us to be the best infront of eveyone, they fear that we dont go on a wrong way, they would scold us for getting in to bad things, they are the ones who always want us near them, they are th ones who cant sleep untill they find us back home.

If they would ask me not to do something then i would happilly comply :)

My mom is my paradise so i yours to you....Mom is a blessing, she is the only one who is always available for us.

when we r kids wefind the nice but when we grow we think that they r wrong...

another bf another husband would come....but MOTHER only once.
Yes, you are right to feel that way. Your mother should not be treating you that way at all. You need to tell her or else it will just get worse! Since you are 15 right now, it shouldn't be too bad but as soon as you get older - it'll be really hard.Is it wrong that I'm still a little angry at my mother for these things she said to me? Help please?
As far as your weight goes, ask your doctor to sit down with you and your mother and discuss a healthy weight for you. It sounds like you may be on the thin side but it won't hurt her to hear it from the doctor. There is really a large range of weight that's healthy and even within the same weight, one person might be healthy and have less body fat while another might have an unhealthy amount of body fat.

As far as the kissing, it may be hard for your mother to admit that you're growing up and becoming a young woman and that boys are interested in you. Do discuss safe sex and birth control with her or your doctor. But she also probably is afraid you'll end up pregnant as a teenager and doesn't want that to happen. Let her know if you have any issues about relationships, you will talk to her or another responsible adult if you don't feel comfortable talking to her about that.

She'll get over the diary thing. Everyone writes crazy things in their diary.

Tell her what you wrote in the last paragraph. It sounds like she really does care, she's just having trouble admitting that you're growing up and wants to prevent you from painful teenage situations such as getting pregnant or being overweight.
Girl i do not blaim you! these things should bother you. It sounds like she is kind of verbally abusive? When you get older you'll come to the harsh realization that your parents are NOT perfect and some things are NOT ok. BTW you are NOT fat! i was 5 8 120 pounds when i was 15 and i looked like a tooth pick.Is it wrong that I'm still a little angry at my mother for these things she said to me? Help please?
you can date anyone you want just make sure you be a grown up about it..not a h**

the weight thing is ridiculous she cant control you like this, thats just mean and unfair

(must of hurt you inside to hear that from your mom)--tell her ill lose weight mom font worry,

"stop making this into such a big deal"

Show her your responsible by completing your school work/home work and keep your boyfriend

after she see's that everything is okay for a while, she will accept you right decisions and she will most likely lay off you!

okay that she read your diary..tell her mom dont go threw my personal stuff if you don't want me going threw your stuff..

you shouldn't of talked to her for looking in your diary..have some dignity and respect for yourself and say something.

sounds like she loves you, but is a bit too controlling and snoopy about some things,

its sad that a girl has to go to the internet to ask for advice instead her own family relative..

hope all goes well !!
No - it's your first right to defend yourself against crap like this.
That's normal because its the sign of the times
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