Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ok, so my boyfriend told me he arranged to be a sex slave when younger, what should I do?

Ok, so my boyfriend told me yesterday that he arranged to be a sex slave when he was 18, and go live with a guy, but didnt go through with it. He also said that he used to go on cam to guys and put things up his bum etc, and I dont know how to deal with this really. What should I do? Should I just accept that its in the past, and forget it and move on with him? He also toldme that when he was 15, he paid this girl who was his friend (and still is) to sit on his face for him, but he says there was nothing sexual about it at all. This bothers me because he told me about her a year into our relationship, and was texting, talking and invited her round to his once to watch football, and so Im bothered because he allowed me to sit in front of her with him and chat away not knowing while those two knew. How would this make you feel? What should I do about this? Ive told him my feelings and he says that it was in the past, so it shouldnt bother me, but it does because he told me a year into our relationship. I also asked him to cut contact with her because of this, was I right? Would you have done the same? Thanks.Ok, so my boyfriend told me he arranged to be a sex slave when younger, what should I do?
All in the past, you do crazy things when you're a teen (granted this guy went totally nuts but still). concentrate on what he is now and stay with him if you can work around the issue
let it go. we all do things in the past. some things we regret some we do not. unless he is still paying women to have sex with him there should be no issue. DO NOT turn into a ***** over this. it happened before you came along. the only one having a problem with it is you.Ok, so my boyfriend told me he arranged to be a sex slave when younger, what should I do?
You need to talk to him, express you feelings, ask to know his communicate with him, that's the foundation of a good relationship.
its kinda up in the air.. if its what shes into than your imposing your values over hers.. altho it seems as tho it makes the relationship less monogamous. you should try talking more and work from thereOk, so my boyfriend told me he arranged to be a sex slave when younger, what should I do?
Its in the past let sleeping dogs lie
I'm gonna answer all of your questions:
Make him your sex slave he's probably good at it, you'll probably need to buy a strap on
No, never let him live it down, bring it out at party's, everybody likes a good sex slave anecdote
It would make me consider sitting on mens faces as a full time occupation, can i ask how much was paid and the duration of the event? as this is something i may be interested in also
Charge him for any past and future perversions of this nature
No she could be a valuable asset when setting up your business as she has past experience
No see above

I sincerely hope this was helpful

Goodnight and God bless
At least he was honest with you. He could have kept quiet and you would never have known. Is that what you would have preferred?

So the two of them did this together. Did they do it in front of you? Does it hurt you that they did this? I can imagine that knowing it weirds you out a little bit, and that's only natural, because you would get the mental image. But don't tell him to cut contact with a person for such a reason. That would be worse than telling somebody to cut all contact with an ex, even if they are still good friends. Accept that your boyfriend went a little nuts when he was younger, that he has matured by now and is not afraid to admit what he did, that he is being honest with you, and that the two of them are mature enough to act normally around you and each other now that he has you in his life.
Im sorry, but with all the respect, that guy has got (or had) issues.

Its just not right going on camera, age 15, shoving things up your asshole. We all do crazy things, but that is just beyond the line. It may be the past, but you never know, he may still be having wierd sexual thoughts to this day. Hes the same person, with the same brain, morals and phsycology. Its likely hes just the same person as he was before. A person cant completely change in a matter of a couple of years.

It may be the past, but hes still the same person with the same brain.

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