Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ron Paul supporters: I know you think it's cool to support him, but do you really want no govt protection?

People demanded government protection for a reason a long time ago. You know why?

Uncontrolled capqtalism has happened before. Do you you know what happened? It led to the writting of Karl Marx, who ended up being wrong on some things, but if you read his writtings, it gives you insight into uncontrolled capitalism.

Uncontrolled capitalism gets a few people rich, and a lot of people poor, any way you cut it.

The best system, which is what we have, is regulated capitalism.Ron Paul supporters: I know you think it's cool to support him, but do you really want no govt protection?
Dr. Paul wants to get the FEDERAL Gov. out of our lives. He is a strong advocate for 10th Amendment (State's) Rights. It amazes me how many people are totally ignorant about the U.S. Constitution and what this country used to stand for. Remember good old fashion American ruggedness and independence? I'm a lower class 24 old, and it is blatantly obvious the reasons so many of us are out of jobs is because FEDERAL regulations are killing job creation here at home, and sending jobs overseas to China. If people want to institute AUTHENTIC change, they need to vote for the good doctor.

Dr. Ron Paul 2012
If we cannot buy goods then why will it matter? We now borrow trillions from China and print trillions more that we borrow from the Federal Reserve Bank. This has resulted in the cost of living becoming impossible to obtain. Ten years ago you could retire comfortably with a few hundred thousand dollars. Not that many years ago being a millionaire was a big deal. Now you will need close to a million dollars to retire at a normal age. If you have a lot of money and it does not buy anything; then you are poor. The divide in America is coming faster than ever before and Dr. Paul is the only one pointing out the real problems.Ron Paul supporters: I know you think it's cool to support him, but do you really want no govt protection?
Can I just old are you? Are you a result of our public education? Hope you didn't pay too much for college.

"Uncontrolled capitalism gets a few people rich, and a lot of people poor, any way you cut it.

The best system, which is what we have, is regulated capitalism."

Seriously!? Seriously.... do you not realize that we have crony capitalism right now! and that government regulation is not "protecting" you.

Ron Paul would put an end to this. We have Public losses, private profits. We pay taxes, banks get bailed out, politicians get rich. Wake up!

Get the government out of this. I am sick of this game they are playing and it's sad when there are people like you that fall for this over and over and over again.
What is cracking me up about Republicans is there attack on Romney because he led Bain a "Vulture" Capitalist (instead of Venture Capitalist). I thought people %26amp; Corporations behaved ethically and the a laissez faire type system was the greatest? Why get upset at Mitt doing what CEO's %26amp; business routinely do..screwing over others for profit.Ron Paul supporters: I know you think it's cool to support him, but do you really want no govt protection?
I hate Ron Paul because he's a racist arrogant bigot with stupid ideas, but he's not disbanding the Military you know, just yanking them away from other countries. No more global rape by the US, in turn, slavery comes back and homosexuals are punished.
Excuse me but monopolized corporations have taken our government over and have destroyed the economy. Instead of Communism, you call it Fascism. You know, like what Hitler was in charge of. You must have taken a nap while it happened.
Oh fer cryin'outloud. Companies arent gonna sell us salads with broken glass in it, criminals wint be knockin;' down our doors - 'cause will have our own guns...if a consumer is too stupid to watch what she's buying tuf.

The Constitution says to protect the borders, maybe Paul will do THAT.
Here's something for nothing - they seem to want the opposite of what they're getting!
Ron Paul is rowing their boat
crony capitalism is hardly govt protection
"Uncontrolled capitalism gets a few people rich, and a lot of people poor"? That already happened you idiot. Cmon? Have you not noticed? Did you miss the whole OWS 99% thing? Yeah those regulations really saved us from this 4 year recession we been in. Companies still dump **** in lakes, The EPA`s a joke.. Like they cant be bought off? Believe it if it helps you sleep better at night. Chocolate syrup? Kids? The FDA sure hasn't kept candy and soda machines out of schools. Another failed department. Tobacco kill 400,000 people worldwide a year, If you cant figure out its bad, You deserve to die. The government shouldn't have to tell you. People die all the time from FDA approved drugs. Have you ever thought maybe pill companies pay the FDA millions to get their dangerous medication approved? Most agencies you think protect you, Are very corrupt. They would sell you up the river in a heat beat, for a large donation.
Ronpaul wants NO government!

Ronpaul wants NO icky consumer protection agencies!

Ronpaul wants NO nasty national parks!

Ronpaul wants NO interstate highway system!

Ronpaul knows ALL!
Vote for Mitt Romney in 2012, you know he's the man for the job!

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