Monday, February 13, 2012

Should i marry him and tell him i love him but mum hates him.?

Hi Im seeing this guy now for 3 weeks and i think i may be in love but i dintt want to say it to him till im sure,as its a big deal for me.

He is Kind,caring and considerate and always gives me nice gifts. My mum said i am stupid and that i am dating a loser and that i should not except stolen goods but i try to tell her ididn'tt steal these gifts and neither did he, people give things to him in return for there medications. i told him what my mum said about him and he said he is helping people out as some people really need there medication but have no money so he allows them to give him there phones or stuff and he takes that instead.

he always gives me permission to touch and use his manhood and says that he wont sleep with me because he respects me and as i am a virgin he wont let me loose my virginity till we are married, i really want to have sex and whenever i try he says he doesnt want me to do things till we are married,i think it is so sweet he wont push me and i cant see why my mum has a problem with him.

Mum thinks im being used but he always gives me nice things (i just got a iphone4) i have to have it unlocked but that wont cost me much,and he takes me to pizza hut every dole day, and he doesnt get much money so its nice he thinks of me.i wanted to move in with him and his friend alexis but he knows my mum will be unhappy and has told me not until we are married, he wont even allow me to stay the night and makes me leave by 5 as he doesnt want my mum worrying,i think if my mum accepted him he might choose to open up with me and have sleepovers and be intimate without waiting.

i really think i love bazza but dont want my mum stuffing things up,i think if i tell him i love him we may move forward but maybe mum is the reason as he always says i dont wanna upset your mum.i wish mum could see how considerate he really is as he always thinking of how she feels.i really want to get married and move but dont want to upset mum and alexis told me bazza wont move because of her and that i should listen to my mum,i told bazza what alexis said and he said not to listen to her she is just mad because i dont pay child support. i think alexis and mum need to back up bazza is doing his best and mum should be happy i am happy.

please help me should i tell him i love him and ask him to marry me.Should i marry him and tell him i love him but mum hates him.?
Maybe your brand new drug dealer fence boyfriend isn't quite so silly as you are. He doesn't want you to break with your Mum because he has ZERO intention of supporting you or giving you a roof over your head.

Are you like the 8th grader who thinks he has a cool car?Should i marry him and tell him i love him but mum hates him.?
I say marry him, he sounds like a real catch!!!!!

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