Monday, February 13, 2012

Do I have to call the police or will it pass?

I'll make this as short as possible. I met a man I truly loved a year and a half ago. I was recovering from the heartbreak of a three year relationship and met him while out with friends

We fell in love the night we met. He lived in New York and I in Arizona. For the next five months, we'd talk on the phone for hours every night and fly to visit one another several times.

After about five months of..."long distance dating", 聽he had to go overseas for a volunteer program for one year. He offered to forgo it for me, but this was a lifelong dream of his and I had my own matters to attend to.聽

Before he left, he asked me to be his girlfriend. With the knowledge of a 23 year old man in Europe with a bunch of backpackers, I told him I couldn't. If something happened I didn't want to ruin our trust. I told him when he came home, we would be boyfriend/girlfriend, and if anything were to happen, just don't tell me. He repeatedly asked me for commitment, and I denied it...I just didn't feel it was smart or we were ready for a serious relationship while being so far apart. I didn't ever tell him to stay loyal to me despite him begging me to tell him that. I wasn't ready for a long distance serious relationship

After about 3 weeks on his trip, he called me crying saying he got drunk and slept in a girls bed. I was shocked, he told me it wouldn't happen yet it did. He apologized and was very emotional and I felt like I couldn't even get mad at him because he was so shook up by his indiscretion. I was heartbroken and told him, but within a few days I moved past it and told him to still book his flight home in a month for valentines day.

After holding in my anger over the incident for about a month, I finally addressed my hurt and anger over the situation. He had booked a flight home for valentines day to see me, but I realized I wasn't ready to see him. So I told him that I needed time a week before he flew home. I know I shouldn't have waited to tell him I wasn't ready, but I did.

With his ticket already booked, he still flew home to see me in February and I didn't see him. He flooded my Facebook inbox and voicemail with pleas as to how it wasn't his fault and how I didn't love him. I was hurt and now even more hurt

After 3 weeks of crying on his part he flew back to Europe. When this happened, knowing I missed my chance to see him, I messaged him, stupidly, that I still loved him and made a mistake

After a month of long distance talking again, I told him I loved him and asked him to be my boyfriend, for the first time. Things were wonderful again and he decided to cut his trip short 3 months early to visit me, as we couldn't imagine waiting any longer to see each other.

Two weeks before he flew home, I met another man at a coffee shop. He swept me off my feet. I spoke to friends about this and they agreed, I couldn't continue the relationship.

The day my boyfriend landed in America, I sent him a message saying that I met someone new and my feelings faded, and It would be best if we didn't see each other.

His response was shocked at first, followed by anger and rage.聽

He had already booked his flight to Phoenix and told me he wanted to say goodbye. After thinking it over I told him we could get lunch so he could get closure. After apologizing, I booked a hotel room and we had sex. I told him I loved him but he had to leave. I dropped him at the airport and upon doing so he began texting me that he was going to kill himself.

Since, he has harassed me and my friends on Facebook. He called me a sl't, c'nt, b'tch...he told me to die and burn in hell. I have had to change my phone number and delete my email account. He even speaks to my aunt about me.

I understand that I destroyed his heart. I understand that he cut his trip short for me. I understand that it was wrong for me to test him with an open relationship and leave him when he was honest with me about what happened. I know he's not a bad person he volunteers and is great with kids and never once yelled at me or touched me when we were together. He would do everything he could to make sure I was happy.聽

Since all this happened 7 months ago, he has sent me

a 1000 angry emails, sent angry messages to my friends on Facebook who he has never met, and began contacting my aunt about his struggles. He has never threatened violence but has said he will show up to Phoenix and hold "hunger strikes" outside my parents house. I blocked him on fb but he keeps making new profiles just to message me how much I destroyed him.

I know I hurt him but I also know I don't deserve this. He messages me that i made him into a monster

He flew home twice for me I'm very sorry and I know he didnt deserve itDo I have to call the police or will it pass?
call the police
So much for making it as short as possible!

Anyway, this guy is mentally ill and you need to file a restraining order against him. Thank God you didn't really enter into a relationship with him, as he's totally incapable if sustaining anything that requires sanity.

It was never meant to be between you and guy #1. You broke up with a guy that wasn't really your BF at all. He is overreacting in a very severe way. It's not your fault. People who threaten suicide hold others as hostages of their mental illness. I would seek legal help in this matter. You could be in danger.Do I have to call the police or will it pass?
you have asked him to stop and he wont so next time he messages you explain to him that you will contact the police if he doesn't stop with the harassment. if it continues then you contact the police.
Yes , break his heart and then have him jailed . When you have accomplished this you will be a true " empowered woman."

You cannot truly call yourself empowered until you have destroyed at least one man's life.Do I have to call the police or will it pass?
Notify facebook about the harassment. And warn him that if he fails to leave you alone, you will notify the police and file a restraining order, and then press charges if he breaks it.

You did bad, yes. And that's certainly cause for him to despise you. However, it's not cause for him to harass you.

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