Monday, February 20, 2012

What do feminists have to gain by creating hysteria and exaggeration about rape?

saying things like that 1 in 4 women are victims of rape, that women always have to look behind their shoulder in case of rape, that x y and z is rape (even if the "rape victim" and "rapists" do not know or realize that they are raping or being raped). that men as a whole are responsible for rape. that we live in a "rape culture" Etc.

not to mention trying to put guilt or shame men saying they are "complicit" or something like that.

here is an example of what I am talking about do feminists have to gain by creating hysteria and exaggeration about rape?
Acknowledgement from fellow female sympathizers. Membership in their organizations [like NOW]. Federal funding to spread their ideology overseas [VAWA is going abroad, folks, the American taxpayer is funding it]. Biased and sexist shield laws. The benefits are many.
Yeah and when I'm walking behind a woman in a dark allyway or near woods they always look like they're about to run or they look at me out the corner of they're eye like I'm about to drag them into the trees and start raping them haha it's stupid its just paranoid women thinking they're that good looking I can't help myself. hahahaha sillyWhat do feminists have to gain by creating hysteria and exaggeration about rape?
A friend of mine got falsely accused of rape because the girl changed her mind after sex. What actually happened was that her parents changed her mind about what happened and made her get on with the charges.

I see feminists doing exactly the same thing.
What do they have to gain? Everything.What do feminists have to gain by creating hysteria and exaggeration about rape?
Men as a whole aren't responsible for rape, that's ridiculous. Only rapists are responsible for rape.

And actually, it's 1 out of 4-6 women who are victims of rape. It's not an exaggeration, it's a fact. Most rapes go unreported, which is why that campus hot-line place was getting no calls. Two of my friends have been raped at college and neither reported it, because they blamed themselves for it ("I shouldn't have been that drunk, etc.")

Rape culture hurts men too, because it portrays men as rapists. It's in advertisements all the time, like this one:


Things like this ^ make it look like men want to attack women, and that women like it, which is an unfair depiction of both men and women. It causes innocent women to be attacked, and innocent men to be accused of being attacked.

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