Thursday, February 16, 2012

19 and sacrificing my life to take care of my grandma. Need advice!?

Right after I graduated high school last year, I moved out and got an apartment with my boyfriend in Chicago. I wanted to get away from my parents because I had a really bad home life. My parents are literally crazy and very verbally and physically abusive. Anyways, in Chicago I felt the happiest I've ever been. I was going to a really nice school and got a job I liked. My boyfriend got a great job and is making a ton of money. He was virtually supporting me completely.

BUT I wasn't as happy as I could've been because I was constantly worrying about my grandma, who lived 2 hours away. My grandma has a lot of trouble getting around and isn't in the best of health. After she suffered a really bad fall, I felt compelled to go live with her. My grandma raised me and has always been there for me, so I want to be there for her.

So I recently moved in with her, but she lives in a very, very small town where there's literally nowhere to go and nothing to do. I also had to transfer schools so now I'm going to a really tiny community college where everyone knows one another but I know no one. I don't like any of my classes at all or the school, which is really outdated. I miss my life in Chicago so much but I can't just leave my grandma, who I know really loves having me here with her. There's no one else who can take care of her, though.

I just feel really depressed here. I hate going to school, but its the only thing I have to do. When I get home I just go on Facebook. All of my friends are at least an hour away. What should I do? Just stick it out? Am I just not giving the place a chance?19 and sacrificing my life to take care of my grandma. Need advice!?
you are one of the rare people who honor you elders and are truly grateful for the loving care you received from your grandmother. you are doing the right thing. but here is a small suggestion.

first talk things out with your boyfriend. and see if he would object to your bring her to live with the two of you. if he is willing to give it a try then ask her to move back with you. she could contribute a Little to pay bills so he would not feel piled in on, and he may learn to love her as much as you do. after he loves you i bet for the kind and stable person you are and her care helped form your personality.

it would be a win win situation for everyone. and you would still have your life, plus. think about it. and God bless you for your loving kindness.19 and sacrificing my life to take care of my grandma. Need advice!?
See good Seniors homes or find a really nice care taker for your grandma and go back to Chicago.19 and sacrificing my life to take care of my grandma. Need advice!?
I live with my grandma but its in different circumstances..

Anyway i know you said your grandma isn't in the best of health but why don't you ask her to move to chicago with you (temporary) until she gets better?

Or maybe you could go and stay with her at weekends..

Maybe if you just give this place a month or so it might get better, if it doesn't then i would go back to chicago where you were happy, i mean you can always go and visit your grandma but you must put yourself first at the end of the day

I hope it all works out anyway and i hope your grandmothers health improves :)

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