Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm so lonely and I feel as though I'm in a prison? Please please help?

I know people do like me. But for some reason they never make an effort to get to know me as more than just an acquaintance. So, consequently, I have no real friends. I used to have a lot when I was younger. I still talk to a few of the ones from when I was younger, but it's not like we ever spend time together or anything. This one girl who considers me her "friend" never asks me to hang out and calls me once in a blue moon. Yet, people have said to me "You're such a cool person" or "You're pretty awesome." So why then do they never make an effort to get to know me? I text people I'd like to be friends with but then I back off because I realize I am always texting them first, and then when I stop they never make an effort to communicate at all. I am so confused. I'm only 15...I'm supposed to be out having fun with my friends...but I don't have friends. I'm also home schooled. I'm at home all day long doing work, then I'll go on Facebook or something although I don't know why I still do since, like I said before, no one ever talks to me. I'll do things to entertain myself like baking, singing, drawing, writing...but that's not enough. I've got youth group twice a week and I see people there and they'll talk to me there but after that I don't hear from them at all. If I didn't have youth group to go to I might go insane. I can't drive yet. My mom is very much a home person and hates going places, so she doesn't drive me. My dad is gone at work all the time. I'm all alone. I'm also depressed, have horrible sleeping habits because of insomnia, there's no good food in the house because my mom tries to buy cheap things, and cheap things aren't healthy. I'm on my laptop all the time pretty much and my eyesight is going bad.

So overall I'm pretty miserable. Suggestions, please? I just want to do something about this. I can't live like this forever.I'm so lonely and I feel as though I'm in a prison? Please please help?
This happens to me alot. I don't know why. I feel make all the effort so I stop. But I guess you gotta keep trying even if that does mean you are putting all the effort. I've just lost my best friend whom I hung out with almOst daily and its so hard trying to get my other friends to come out with me - I haven't been out in three/four weeks :( I'm tired of just texting.

If I was you I would try to concentrate on getting someone at the youth Place to come out with you. Is there somewhere nearby? A coffee shop or something? You could try to get someone to stop for a drink with you and then it might become a regular thing and the others might start joining you? Also ask if any of the others do a class, dance or exercise or something and say you are interested and could you tag along. Most people are excited to share their hobbies or interests and have someone to go along with.I'm so lonely and I feel as though I'm in a prison? Please please help?
Call one of them and ask, try to get a guy then keep hanging out with him then if you like like him ask him out and he'll be with you all the timeI'm so lonely and I feel as though I'm in a prison? Please please help?
I'm 14 and i get those feelings all the time, it's just simple hormonal reactions. We can't think straight and we see things as they are not supposed to. My mom and dad say it goes away, and so do some of my older peers who have gone through this before. So just wait it out and don't get too down on yourself cause i'm sure some people will be there no matter what

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