Monday, February 13, 2012

Do you have a good memory? Are you better at remembering facts or emotions?

Bq: what placement is to do with having a good memory?

Also as more me, can my forgetfulness, short attention span and vagueness be be blamed on my Pisces sun? When I want to make a point clear I can be far from vague but generally I'm really forgetful of things in my short memory I have to try to jog my memory as to why I'm standing in a room often but I have a good long term memory because I remember odd things about people. Do I sound like a typical Pisces sun?Do you have a good memory? Are you better at remembering facts or emotions?
An extremly good memory, unfortunatly thats for emotions and i beleive that is because emotions are what is important to me. I start my new job at flinders on monday! :D so i am going to try and remember facts for the next few days :)

emotions move me so much and i need to feel connected to everything scorpio moon, cancer sun and mercury. unofrtunatly for me, i want to constantly expand myself philosophically, and i beleive i do need logic for that. moon 9th house

For you: hmmm i would say its a mutuable trait for you? You see, as a fish you are forever swimming,a nd you have a saggi moon.. well you want to experience EVERYTHING! your interested in so much, but not so much speicific things. I think everyone has their true calling, and by that i mean something they were made for/set out to do and it just might be that tiny bit harder to find yours as your mind is SO open, you enjoy a lot of things. As you search through these things you cannot remember take a mental note of what does stick :) slowly you will figure out what is truely important to you.

While you are blessed with an open mind, you must live to fulfil your own destiny, and self discovery is a life long process so have fun! I find most of the answers we search for are not from anyone else but within yourself. You dont need anyone else to make things valid, you have all the resources you need - look at your thoughts and memories carefully.

Hopefully that makes sense.

I sort of understand what you mean as for me with facts i am a bit of a jack of all trades i know something about everything, but nothing about anything haha :b

good luck!
i hope you find the answer you were searching for!

Also: astrologically, it really helps to look at your north node, this will give you insight into your destiny, so that you can feel some sort of direction. mine is aquarius so i know i must contribute in a humanitarian way, and thats all i really want to do anyway so it works out for me =)
I have excellent selective memory. Although I can remember almost everything, I choose to forget somethings. I'm more of an emotional memory based person though. I think they're much more important, especially for me.

BQ: I wouldn't know as far as what placements but I have a lot of Scorpio placements (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto) and some Gemini, which rules the mind (Moon and Mars). I hear Scorpio has the memory of an elephant. Also Cancers, so I don't know.

And Yes, you do sound like a typical Pisces, they're often in their own world but a Water sign and we're often attached to memories and such sentiments.Do you have a good memory? Are you better at remembering facts or emotions?
lol i think it's your pisces sun. :P

I have pisces moon and i'm the same way too.

Virgos are supposed to be good at details, but i'm extremely poor at details.

I previously worked in a detail-oriented job and i kept getting scolded by my manager because i kept making mistakes. :/

I have promised myself that i will never work in a job that requires lots of details, because i know i'm poor at details.

You can take this test to find out more about your personality:…

Once you took this test, you will know whether you are a Sensor or an Intuitive.

Sensors are usually good at details, while Intuitives are usually poor at details.

Sensors are usually more concrete and more realistic people, while Intuitives are usually more vague and more daydreamy.

I think you are probably an Intuitive INFJ or INFP, which might explain why you can't remember details easily. :P
on both i'm extremely nostalgic/sentimental i'm constantly looking back (something i'm trying to change), but my memory is also helpful when it comes to school/facts/memorization etc.. I would say Cancer Sun as well as Mercury in the 1st house really influence my memory. (i once memorized 15 chapters of a science book lol, i ended being TA for that class at my school, my memory definitely comes in handy for science classes)

Cancer Sun XII

Leo Mercury 1stDo you have a good memory? Are you better at remembering facts or emotions?
well i remember off emotion mainly so this effects my long term and short term memory about the same. i almost have no memory of things that don't spike some kind of emotional response but even factual things can do this, and things i don't want to all depends on how i feel towards a situation if it wants to stick. everyting else that i remember is through repetition, especially names...unless that name is spiking an emotional response :]

Bq: i would say mercury sign maybe

*yes you do ;P
On a scale of 1-10, my memory is 7.

I remember emotions better...can never seem to recall exactly what lead me to feel that way (fact).

Perhaps the mercury placement in your chart, the planet of communication, would provide more accurate insight about that. Doesn't exactly scream Pisces to me.
I only remember dark emotions!

short attention span...ummm i know pisces by standard that they get bored easily so maybe that has to do with ur sign, forgetfullness yup that too, pisces always forget things T______T ..vagueiness i don't think comes from pisces must be from something else.

but yea typical pisces sunny you are, do u remember the first time i said "hey, wipe my azz" to you? u prolly don't remember.
I have a great memory I remember absolutely EVERYTHING someone says or what I read, I think this is why I am so good in school. I'm better at remembering facts.

And yes I think you do sound like a typical Pisces Sun.

Taurus Sun, Aqua Moon, Taurus Mercury.
No,I have terrible short term memory :( Like I remember what happened 10 years ago or so,but I don't remember details. I am a little better at remembering facts,not emotions.

BQ: Good Mercury aspects/placements.

I think you sound like a typical Pisces.
good memory for everything. Can remember all 10 AFL finals scores from last year and the year before. Have an impossibly good memory for insults. Gemini Rising are meant to have good memories particulary for facts. Sun and mercury in Scorpio
Yeah. I remember pretty much everything.

BQ - Mercury in Fixed signs I suppose. Anyway I might sound biased but I think Taurus overall has the best memory. 'Cause it's like an elephant XD. And Elephants never forget.
Nope. I have horrible memory. I forget dates and projects a lot, and I'm to lazy to write it down.

I am Aquarius.
I have awesome memory, but I'm better at remembering facts then feelings.
9 I have awesome memory.

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