Monday, February 20, 2012

My lips are so chapped that it hurts to talk or open my mouth?

how do i cure my extremely chapped lips. not only are my lips dry cracked and chaped, but the skin around it is very dry, rough and sore too. it hurts so much that i cant open my mouth very far or do things like laugh or smile because if my lips stretch i m afraid they'll crack. i also cant open my mouth far enough to put a bite size of food in. the corners of my lips have split and are cut from the dryness so i cant open my mouth becasue of that too because then the cut hurts. i have been applying vaseline for a month now and it got completely better, but then it came back and got worse. my lips are soooo chapped and cracked and tha area around my mouth is soooo dry and rough!!! what do i do to cure and heal thisMy lips are so chapped that it hurts to talk or open my mouth?
Get Neosporen Lip Health. Put it on 3 times a day. Do this untill u run out of it or untill the end of winter.My lips are so chapped that it hurts to talk or open my mouth?
Carmex is the good stuff.My lips are so chapped that it hurts to talk or open my mouth?
It might sound naaaasty, but put olive oil %26amp; butter on. I swear it's like magic :)

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