Monday, February 20, 2012

What's the best way to de-friend this guy I know?

Basically I have this friend on the PC gaming community "Steam" and I want to de-friend him. But the hard thing is that we talk on Skype and play games together almost every single day for the past 2 years or so. But the thing is he is sometimes quite annoying and to be honest I'm starting to dislike him. And another thing is that I honestly don't think he has many friends to talk to in real life and I won't want to upset him for leaving him. It is also complicated because we share a few friends on Steam and Skype so it would be awkward and complicated to talk to them and not talk to him if we are in the same chat. So what's the best thing to say or do?What's the best way to de-friend this guy I know?
Now,what you were doing for the last two years.Had fun with him till you wanted and now he looks boring.Not fair.But if you have decided to break your friendship then the only thing is there to say is sorry.
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here is the link to the page;set=o.157042057691644%26amp;type=1%26amp;theaterWhat's the best way to de-friend this guy I know?
Tell him you want to be his gay lover and you won't take no for an answer. Tell him you take anti psychotic drugs to repress your homicidal tendencies,but you love him as long as he doesn't ever get out of your sight. He will leave you alone.
I don't know why but when you used the term 'de friend' it made me laugh, what are you going to do? get hold of him with a spray bottle of disinfectant and spray him, de fumigate the poor chap, but joking aside, when you start feeling that way about a person, when they start becoming an annoying thing to you, then you only have two choices :-

1. You tell them straight - and yes a hard thing to do, not many of us would like to do it,


2. You start becoming unavailable, can you not block it that he does not know you are on line,

But overall bit by bit, you become less friendly with him, hoping I guess that he starts getting the message or getting fed up of you back. Make up excuses, say you are bored with the games, say you do not have the time to sit and chat, just excuse after excuse will finally get the message to him,

Don't feel guilty about him not having many friends, its not your problem, and I don't mean that in a cruel way to him, I feel sorry for him, but in life he has got to learn to either lighten up and learn to make friends, and also to see when others are not interested in being friends with him, we all have to learn to do that, and in the end it will do him good, he will find similar people such as himself to be friends with. We all have to learn to know which group or type of people we want to be around, and dragging a straggler along with you, is not good for you and certainly not for them.

Good Luck, but just try and ignore him, do it as nicely as you can if you do have to give a reason, but life is not a bed or roses all the time, if we don't stick up for ourself then no one else can do it for us.

Billie UKWhat's the best way to de-friend this guy I know?
My best suggestion is first to see if you cant fix whatever is wrong with your friendship. Number one, tell him to make more friends if he is dependent on you. Secondly, tell him what annoys you about him, in a nice way and see if you can't get him to change his behaviour. Also it might be a good idea to spend some time off skype, your gaming sites etc, and give him a chance to get used not talking to you. If you talk to him everyday, that's probably why you are getting annoyed with him. Too much contact. try him in smaller doses. Don't be so quick to throw away friends. Good friends are really hard to come by. Hope this helps.

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